Nutrition with pancreatic pancreatitis

Our food is not always rational, balanced and not always useful. As a result, the organs suffer, and sometimes even fail. There is no exception to such an important organ of the human body as the pancreas. If her work is broken, then the patient begins to show the following symptoms: stomach pain and vomiting. You can not ignore them, because in this case the situation can be significantly aggravated.

Nutrition for pancreatic pancreatitis plays a very important role, and if you adjust it rationally, then there is a high probability that the exacerbation will take place in the shortest possible time.

Therapeutic diet with pancreatitis

Therapeutic diet for this disease is to give up unwanted products. Such products include: fatty, fried, salted, spicy spices, alcoholic beverages, confectionery, sausage, sour juice.

It is important that the diet is balanced, and the body gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals for it. As for meat, it is not forbidden, but its choice should be stopped on its dietary types.

Nutrition for acute pancreatic pancreatitis

When the acute form of this disease, you need to maximally relieve the pancreas, so if you do not have contraindications, then appoint yourself for a few days starvation. Non-carbonated mineral water is allowed, but it should be consumed in small volumes and in small sips.

With time, the diet can be gradually expanded. It is advisable to eat no more than two thousand calories per day. If possible, choose food where there is a lot of protein, but few carbohydrates. As for cooking, only cooked and steam dishes are allowed. Cook the food so that its consistency is fluid. It's very important that you do not salt food for the first few weeks.

After the first week of a strict diet, allow yourself kefir, cereals, steam cutlets, mashed potatoes, curd mass, weak tea.

Proper nutrition in acute pancreatitis is very important because of whether you observe it or not, will determine the further process of recovery.

Supplement dietary nutrition in pancreatitis during the exacerbation can be special drugs that promote digestion and the splitting of food. It can be mezim , pancreatic, creon, digestal, festal, etc.

Nutrition for chronic pancreatic pancreatitis

People with a chronic form of pancreatitis need to follow a certain diet. This diet is aimed at the predominant use of food with a lot of protein and a small number of carbohydrates. As scientists have found out, the pancreas is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates, so it is necessary to facilitate this task.

Vegetable and butter can not be completely excluded from the diet, but it is still necessary to bring their use to a reasonable amount. It is important to note that any temperature treatment of oils is prohibited.

Switch to soups with vegetable broth, and if you like cereals, then pay more attention to oatmeal, rice, buckwheat. Exclude all kinds of sour vegetables.

If you affect the diet, then make it so that meals can go up to six times, but in small portions. The temperature of the dish should be moderate, not hot or cold. It is best if the food is in grated (or finely chopped), and ideally - semi-liquid. It is not superfluous to replace tea with decoction from rose hips.