Weight loss diets for the week

If you expect to lose weight in a week, you should be aware that in this case physically there is no way to get a lasting result. You will lose weight due to the withdrawal of fluid and devastation of the intestine, and only very slightly - due to the reduction of fat mass. As you understand, the results of this weight loss will disappear into nothingness after a few days of normal nutrition. But there are situations where even a temporary express weight loss for a week is extremely necessary: ​​for example, before the holiday. We offer you three popular diets that allow you to quickly lose weight.

Fast way to lose weight in a week

Will open our list of diet for weight loss for a week, which requires good restraint and strict attitude to yourself. Any failure can ruin your results. Such a diet can only be used by perfectly healthy people. In a day you can drink 1.5-2 liters of water. These products should be divided into 4-5 portions and evenly taken during the day with an interval of 3-4 hours.

  1. Day one: 1 liter of milk.
  2. Day two: a pack of fat-free cottage cheese, 4 glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  3. Day three: unlimited - water without gas.
  4. Day four: 4 boiled potatoes of medium size without salt.
  5. Day five: 5 apples.
  6. Day six: 250 g boiled beef (a piece the size of 3 packs of cards), 4 cups freshly squeezed orange juice.
  7. Day seven: 1 liter of fat-free yogurt.

If you are horrified when reading a diet, and understand that you can not stand it, it is better to consult other options.

Fast weight loss for a week: a diet of doctors

This - unloading fasting, which at the first application can give a plumb to 10 kg (with a significant amount of excess weight). You can lose no more than 7-10% of body weight, but this indicator for one week is very difficult for the body, you run the risk of immunity and health of internal organs.

  1. Day one - 3 liters of water in 0.5 for 6 receptions.
  2. The second day - 4 glasses of skim milk, before going to bed - an apple.
  3. Day three - 3 liters of water for 0.5 for 6 receptions.
  4. Day four is a liter of vegetable salad. It should contain cucumbers, cabbage, Peking cabbage, tomatoes, greens, lemon juice (you can measure a liter with a jar). Divide it into several receptions.
  5. The fifth day - 4 glasses of skim milk.
  6. Sixth day - eat consistently in several receptions boiled egg, vegetable broth, 100 grams of meat with peas, 3 apples.
  7. The seventh day - polpachki cottage cheese, 2 cups kefir 1%. Before going to bed, a glass of tea.

Remember, even a healthy body emergency weight loss for a week can cause harm, so if only you have the opportunity not to resort to such diets - be sure to use other methods! Excess weight after this will still come back, as you will knock down and lower the metabolism. Repeated diets of such a plan can be dangerous and lead to pancreatitis and gastritis.

Effective weight loss for the week: buckwheat diet

For this diet, you need to cook a special buckwheat porridge. In the evening, take a thermos, pour a glass of buckwheat there and fill it with 3 glasses of steep boiling water. In the morning the porridge will be ready. Salt and sugar can not be put, you can use spices and herbs. The menu for each day is:

  1. Buckwheat, any fruit, milk or kefir or tea.
  2. Buckwheat, any fruit, green tea without sugar.
  3. Buckwheat, green tea.

The amount that you got in a thermos, you just need to be enough for a whole day. For effective weight loss, choose light fruits - kiwi, citrus, green apples.

This is a relatively harmless diet, besides, in buckwheat groats contains 10 g of protein per 100 g of product. In any case, it is better to take vitamin complexes.