Sponge cake without eggs

We offer options for making a lush and tender biscuit without eggs. These recipes will save you from the responsible process of separating proteins from yolks, as well as from their grueling whipping, significantly reducing the time of preparation of the dough for the cake. In addition, vegetarians and those who keep fasting will be able to choose among the proposed recipes the option of biscuit preparation for themselves.

Sponge cake without eggs on yogurt - recipe



The dough for this biscuit is cooked very quickly, so before we start mixing, we will set the oven to a temperature mode of 200 degrees and turn it on to warm up.

At this time we sift the wheat flour into a bowl, add a pinch of vanillin and ground cinnamon to it and mix it. In another container, we dissolve sugar in warm kefir, pour in vegetable oil, add baking soda which is extinguished with vinegar and mix. Now we connect the dry basis with the kefir mixture and stir, achieving the greatest possible homogeneity, complete dissolution of flour clumps and foaming of the dough. We pour it quickly into a pre-oiled form and place it on the middle shelf of a well-heated oven. In the first fifteen minutes, the door of the device is not opened, and after twenty minutes we check the preparedness of the biscuit with a wooden bast, and if necessary, extend the cooking process for another ten minutes.

Ready-made sponge cake without eggs can be used for further cooking the cake, having missed it with cream or soaking with jam and decorating it at your own discretion.

Sponge cake without eggs on milk in a multivark



In this recipe, as a milk base of a biscuit without eggs, we will use whole milk combined with natural yoghurt. The result will be a slightly damp and incredibly tender biscuit cake. Bake it can be traditionally in the oven, and we'll tell you how to do it in a multivariate.

So, add to the yogurt sugar, vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin, pour in vegetable refined oil and beat it up a bit with a mixer. Next, mix the baking powder with the sifted wheat flour and combine it with the sweet yoghurt mass obtained. After that, pour in the milk and achieve a homogeneous texture without lumps.

We spread the resulting dough into the oiled capacity of the multi-device and set the device to the "Baking" mode. After sixty minutes, we take the biscuit on the grill, let it cool down, and use it for the intended purpose. It is possible to build from it a delicious cake, having decorated with a cream and icing, or to submit simply so, having poured powder. Too it will be very tasty.

How to make a lush chocolate biscuit without eggs on the water?



For the preparation of chocolate biscuit mix sifted flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, salt, cocoa powder and vanillin and pour in water and refined vegetable oil. We mix the resulting mass to a homogeneous texture without any admixture of clumps and pour it into a parchment-lined sheet and an oiled baking dish. We dispose the dough on the middle level, preheated to 200 degrees oven. After about forty or fifty minutes, we check the readiness with a wooden skewer.

Such a chocolate biscuit can be impregnated with any non-fat cream or jam, having pre-cooled it and cutting into two or three cakes.