Why does everyone lose weight, but I can not?

Very often you can hear this question from women of different ages. Like and diets use, and sports are engaged, and result zero. Sometimes you can not lose weight because of a number of reasons.

To lose weight it is necessary correctly

Most representatives of the weaker sex give their preference to mono-diets, although this variant of losing weight brings only a temporary result and it can be used no more than 3 days, since such diets adversely affect the human body. In order to compose an individual food allowance, it is necessary to take into account many components: the number of extra pounds, age, the presence of allergies, food intolerance, etc. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to seek help from a dietitian, then certainly take this chance.

The main condition of losing weight is proper and balanced nutrition . Useful products will supply the body with the necessary substances, improve metabolism and help burn excess fats.

Eliminate from the diet of preservatives

If your goal is to get rid of extra pounds once and for all, then you need to stop using harmful products, which include preservatives and other harmful products. These include: fast food, chips, crackers, semi-finished products, etc. It is necessary to abandon foods that have a lot of sugar, salt and vinegar, for example, conservation and all sorts of sweets. To lose weight, you need to eat fresh and not processed foods, only so you will benefit the body.

The amount of excess weight affects not only fat

Quite a lot of women think that excess weight appears due to the fact that they eat foods that have fat, so they try to completely abandon them. But this is not correct, because for normal functioning of the body you should eat foods that contain fat, but only plant origin, for example, nuts, avocados, etc. These products are necessary to regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood, to prevent the appearance of various diseases heart, and also positively affect the condition of the hair, skin and nails.

Greens help to lose weight

Many girls do not get to lose weight, and all because they do not eat greens and leafy vegetables. Add cabbage, lettuce, rukola, basil, peas, etc. to the daily diet. These products will fill you with the necessary energy, and help you lose excess pounds.

Control the serving size

It is proved to be enough to eat enough, to eat a portion, which is equal to the cams folded to each other. In order to follow this rule, buy yourself small plates. After a while the body will get used to being saturated with a small amount of food, and you will quickly lose extra pounds.

Concentrate on the outcome

Control yourself, do not break, as the weight will very quickly return in doubled numbers. You must believe in your success and go forward no matter what, no matter what.

Lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports

For weight loss, you need to go in for sports, but not the right combination of exercises will not help. Training for weight loss should be considered from beginning to end. The lesson should last at least half an hour, and it is better to change the intensity of the exercises from time to time. Do training so that you enjoy, and do not feel overwhelmed and depressed. Choose exercises for your soul, for example, in the pool, gym, yoga, etc.

Go to the doctor

Sometimes the reason that you can not lose weight, are health problems. Therefore, if nothing helps to get rid of extra pounds, consult a doctor for advice.