How to make a pu-er?

Puer tea got its name from the Chinese city of Puer, Yunnan Province. Like other types of tea, Puer has invigorating and healing properties. It is often compared with expensive wine, because in the course of time, too, Puer becomes only better.

Another feature of Puer tea is the way it is brewed - they are different from traditional and customary for us actions. This tea is brewed quickly, and one and the same brew can be brewed many times. Let's take a closer look at how to make different varieties of Puer tea.

How to make Puer in tablets?

This tea is a compressed tablet (round, or square shape) of sliced ​​or small black and blue tea leaves. The color of the finished tea is dark brown, and the taste is tender, with a sweet aftertaste.

1 tablet of Puer tea can be brewed up to 10 times. In the prepared dishes you need to put a tablet and gently stretch it with a spoon. Then pour the mashed tea with boiling water, and after 5 seconds drain the water. Then, after about 20 seconds, you need to pour the tea leaves with hot water (about 95 degrees) and insist for 1-3 minutes. Brewing time should be gradually increased with each time. To begin with it will be enough and 1 minute, and then you better orient yourself to your taste preferences - if tea seems too weak for you, then the time for brewing should be increased, and if it's saturated, it's better to leave it the same, or even cut it a little.

How to make black puer in a tangerine?

Having acquired such an interesting and extraordinarily tasty variety of Puer tea, you need to know that Puer in a mandarin can be brewed only 3-4 times. Tea should be allowed to brew in a closed kettle for 3-4 minutes, if desired, adding slices of mandarin crust there to enhance the taste. Nevertheless, some connoisseurs of tea claim that this type of tea must be insisted for 10 minutes. In this case Puer will give all his taste, and you will be able to fully appreciate this unusually tasty tea. But then this welding is not subject to repeated brewing.

How to brew green Puer tuo cha?

Puertuocha is pressed green tea, aged more than 5 years, in shape resembling a small nest. When brewing it does not need to be kneaded with a spoon, like pu er in tablets. On an average cup of tea you need about 6 grams of dry tea, but to a large extent it depends on your taste. To insist tea it is necessary about 2 minutes, one welding is not recommended to use more than 3 times.

How to make wild Puer?

Wild Puer is brewed not only for obtaining a delicious drink, but also for medicinal purposes. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, favorably affects the condition of the teeth, and is also used for weight loss.

Brewing wild Puer is about the same as Puer in tablets. Namely, first, pass it with boiling water, and then brew. The water temperature for brewing should also be about 95 degrees. But insist wild Puer need longer - 3-5 minutes, and cover with a saucer. On an average cup of tea you need 1 teaspoon of tea leaves.

How to make a bar of puer?

Shen Puer is a young green tea that does not stop the fermentation process during the whole storage period.

First you need to rinse the tea, as it is done, you already know - pour the tea with boiling water and after 5 seconds merge. We give the brew to stand for about 20-30 seconds. Then pour the tea with a little cooled water. And then you need to be very careful. Filled with water, thrice inhaled and exhaled (in the usual rhythm) and pour the infusion into the cup. With each successive infusion, one should insist 1-2 breaths / exhalations longer.

How to brew a milk powder?

Milk Puer has a taste and aroma of milk, and also removes excess cholesterol from the body, reduces sugar levels, improves skin condition.

This type of tea is brewed with water from 60 to 80 degrees. It needs to be insisted for 1-3 minutes. However, the peculiarity of these teas is that they all have different fermentation, and it is better to ask about the brewing rules from the seller.

How to make a royal Puer?

The peculiarity of royal puer is in the technology of its preparation. Royal Puer does not dry, but it's dried. Thus, microorganisms are preserved on the tea leaves, which make the taste of tea unique.

The royal Puer is brewed this way: you need to take 6-8 grams of tea, and 300 ml of hot water (90-95 degrees). Fill tea with water, insist 2 minutes and drain the infusion into a cup. Welding can be used several times, but each time the brewing time of tea should be increased.

How to make Puer Gong Ting?

This tea is also called the imperial puer. It is prepared according to a special technology of double fermentation.

Before beginning brewing, the tea should be rinsed with cold water. Then pour the tea leaves with boiling water and let the tea steep for 20 seconds. After that, pour the puerer over the cups. Welding can be used no more than 6 times. With each next brew, the time is increased by 20-30 seconds.