Brown rice for weight loss

Those who want to part with extra pounds quickly and without damage to health, it is worth paying attention to a very interesting product - brown rice and use it for weight loss

What is brown rice and why is it useful?

The value of rice as a food product is determined by the fact that it:

However, when cleaning from the husks and when grinding, rice loses most of its merits. Therefore, it is much more useful to use brown or brown rice that has not been processed. Its main difference from a white colleague is a low glycemic index. If you eat a serving of white rice, then an hour or two later there is a strong feeling of hunger. Brown rice keeps the feeling of satiety much longer. Why is that?

Glycemic index - an index of the rate of cleavage of products to pure glucose. If this happens quickly, insulin is produced, through which nutrients are instantly delivered to the muscles and tissues by blood - and there they are stored as fat. And the body again requires food.

Products with a low glycemic index break down slowly, the gradual release of insulin provides a slow progress of nutrients and a sense of satiety for a long time. This property allows you to effectively use brown rice for weight loss: diets based on it are not accompanied by a depressing sense of hunger.

How to cook brown rice for weight loss?

Brown rice, used in food for weight loss remains still uncleaned and unpolished cereal, something like seeds in the skin. Therefore, it must be properly prepared. There are several secrets.

Before cooking, the rice is soaked and swollen for 1 to 2 hours.

For cooking, take a saucepan with thick walls, so that the product does not burn.

For an independent dish, the ratio is taken: 1 glass of cereal per half-liter of boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes, then evaporate for about an hour. You can bring to a boil and put in the oven for 45 minutes.

For garnish, the rice-water ratio will be 1: 5, after half-hourly cooking rice is washed with hot water and evaporated.

Regardless of how to cook brown rice for weight loss, a diet based on it or just regular eating it is effective and within a week allow you to lose from one to two to four to five kilograms.