Can I lose weight on cucumbers?

Cucumber - a vegetable, loved by many and ubiquitously grown on beds, it is a year-round visitor on tables in the form of salads, pickles, etc. Low caloric content and abundance of liquid make it an indispensable tool in the fight against excess kilograms. Can I lose weight on cucumbers - in this article.

Composition and useful properties

As already mentioned, this vegetable consists of 96% water, but besides it contains valuable substances for the body - vitamins C , K, PP, group B, as well as potassium, sulfur, iodine, iron, phosphorus, manganese, etc. Present in it and essential amino acids, dietary fiber, organic acids. Potassium normalizes blood pressure in the arteries, supports the function of the heart muscle and frees the body of excess fluid. Vitamin C improves immune defense and improves digestion of iron, vitamin K regulates blood clotting.

Iodine is a prophylaxis of thyroid diseases, and sulfur improves the condition of teeth, hair and nails. Calorie content of cucumbers is only 15 Kcal per 100 g, so those who are wondering whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of cucumbers, no doubt it is worth saying that yes. The abundance of fiber repeatedly increases the usefulness of this vegetable in the fight for a beautiful figure, because it cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins and contributes to its normal work.

How to lose weight on this green vegetable?

Those who ask if you can lose weight on fresh cucumbers and how to do it, it is recommended to choose one of two options or combine them with each other. The first is to arrange for cucumber days of reloading twice a week. The whole day you can eat only these vegetables, combining with yogurt, greens, fruits, boiled eggs, cottage cheese. You can lose weight on cucumbers, actively including them in your diet, but you should lower its caloric content, giving up high-carbohydrate and fatty foods. From cucumbers you can prepare salads and eat them as a side dish to meat.

A lean cocktail based on this vegetable, ginger, cinnamon and other additives is ideal for a snack between basic meals, and a bread and cucumber sandwich will be an excellent breakfast. The options are mass, the main thing is to drink plenty of liquid and use salt at a minimum. Now there will be no doubt as to whether cucumbers help to lose weight, but they should not be considered a panacea for all ills. They themselves can not cope with the problem of excess weight. It is very important to increase your motor activity and go forward to your goal , which is a slim and smart figure.