Bulgarian pepper - caloric content

Few people know that all beloved Bulgarian pepper comes from Central America, where it is grown as a perennial plant. Closer to the North, pepper is an annual plant. Why this pepper began to be called Bulgarian, and where the connection with Bulgaria - no one knows. Bulgarian pepper is very popular in our regions. It has an unusual taste, it fits well with other products, and yet, in whatever form we cook it, it will still give a subtle taste and aroma. Bulgarian peppers can be eaten just like that, you can cut into salads, fry, cook, stew, because with any treatment it remains tasty and useful.

Bulgarian pepper, the calorie content of which is 20-30 kcal per 100 grams, is an excellent component of the diet of slimming. Moreover, sweet pepper contains a huge amount of vitamins, for example, E, A, R, K, H, C, as well as a group of vitamins B. In addition to vitamins, the Bulgarian pepper can boast the presence of fiber and proteins, carbohydrates and minerals, for example, Potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese and many others.

What is the calorie content of Bulgarian red pepper?

Good housewives know that sweet peppers are red, orange, yellow and green. Is the caloricity of red and any other pepper color different? In fact, both red and green, and yellow, and orange are the fruit of the same plant. The color of the pepper depends on its ripeness and the time of planting. For example, green pepper contains less sugar, it is believed that it is the most low-calorie. Red is a fruit with a lot of sugar, which is the most caloric. Yellow and orange - this is an intermediate option. From this we can conclude how many calories in Bulgarian pepper - about 20 kcal in green pepper, closer to 29-30 kcal - in red pepper. Yellow and orange have roughly an average caloric value - about 25 kcal. Remember that the calorie content of red Bulgarian pepper, like any other product, is determined by 100 grams of product, that is, if 100 grams is about 25 kcal, then in kilograms there will be approximately 250 kcal.

It is very useful to eat sweet pepper in raw form. Now there is a large amount of salads with Bulgarian pepper, which gives a special flavor and even flavor. Calories in Bulgarian pepper do not bring huge harm to those who try to lose weight . Because even the fruit that was heat treated does not get too heavy. For example, the calorie content of Bulgarian stewed pepper does not exceed 30-31 kcal.