Forest nuts - good and bad

From the general variety of varieties of nuts I want to highlight - hazelnuts. They call it in every way: hazel, hazelnut, Lombard nut. Massively grow it in: Turkey, Spain, Italy. Wild species are found in the Balkans.

Benefits of hazelnuts

Indeed, the nut is a remedy for many ailments.

It is known that the diseases of the circulatory system are a disaster of the 21st century. A hazelnut can help protect yourself from many of them. Nut kernels are rich in calcium and potassium, which strengthen the tone of small vessels and give elasticity to the walls of the myocardium.

Calcium and potassium are a good remedy against swelling, lowering blood pressure. Magnesium , available in hazelnuts, stimulates the conductive system of the myocardium, i.e. prevents the risk of arrhythmia.

Due to the high content of vitamin E in the nucleus, a person who replenishes his diet with nuts will get a good state of hair and skin, the process of collagen synthesis will accelerate in the body, and the aging process will slow down.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women and children

Minerals contained in the composition of nuts have a beneficial effect on the body, the benefits of hazelnuts for women are manifested in the slowing down of the aging process. Hazel is a reliable assistant in the fight against varicose veins and thrombophlebitis . Helps cleanse the liver of toxins.

The rich mineral composition of the nut has a beneficial effect on the developing fetus, during pregnancy.

To ensure that the hazelnut benefits, and not harm to the body and health in general, you need to eat it in a reasonable amount. A day is not more than 50 g.

Exceed the norm, there may be a headache, since a large number of causes a spasm of blood vessels.

With a problem of the gastrointestinal tract, diathesis, liver diseases, it is also better to be from the nut.

Hazelnut - a strong allergen, so go through the proper tests.

Otherwise, the walnut is completely harmless.