How to boil a jelly for a child?

Kissel is a traditional Russian dessert. Beneficial effect on the stomach, helps with ulcers, gastritis, pancreas diseases. But it also has properties that strengthen the chair.

Children are useful in limited quantities, no more than twice a week, one glass a day. Kissel for a child up to a year is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, and it also helps in weight gain.

When can I give the baby a kissel?

It is introduced as well as any other lure - before the main meal. To give necessarily warm kiselnyj a dessert, it is better in a dinner or on a mid-afternoon snack.

How to cook jelly for a child?

The most useful is jelly from fresh fruits and vegetables. Kiseli from cereals is nutritious and well digested. During cooking, almost always, starch and sugar are added, because of this, do not abuse jelly in the baby's diet. And now let's look at a few recipes that will accurately illustrate how to boil a kissel to a child.

Oatmeal for children



Soak the flakes and bread in the water for the night. In the morning, wipe the mass through a sieve, after removing the bread. Cook until thick consistency, on a small fire, stirring regularly. Kissel is ready for use.

Kissel from cranberries for children



  1. Arrange the berries on a strainer and beat with boiling water.
  2. After the water runs off, stretch the berries with a spoon. Trying to collect the juice in any convenient dish.
  3. The resulting juice is put on the shelf in the refrigerator.
  4. The remaining berries wrapped in gauze and squeeze the juice into an enamel saucepan.
  5. Berries fill with water and allow to boil.
  6. Strain the broth and add sugar to it, bring to a boil.
  7. Dilute starch in juice obtained from cranberries. Can be diluted in 100 gr. water.
  8. Slowly pour into a decoction.
  9. Let the boil quite a bit.
  10. Remove from the plate and add the remaining cranberry juice.

Milk jelly for children



Take 300 gr. Milk and boil constantly stirring. Add sugar. In a hundred grams of milk dilute starch. Slowly pour the starch into boiling milk and remove from the plate.

Add vanillin to the finished jelly. You can add fruit syrup or jam. But only if the child does not have allergies.