Saline solution for washing the nose

From an early age, the child has to wash his nose from time to time. This procedure is useful for adults. You can wash your nose with ordinary boiled water or herbal decoctions, but, perhaps, the most effective means for washing the nose, besides not causing allergies, is a saline solution.

Rinsing the nose with saline helps the rhinitis, including allergic, pharyngitis, sinusitis and other infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, facilitates breathing in adenoids. If you use drugs for the nose, keep in mind that after washing, they act several times more efficiently, since they fall directly onto the purified, washed mucous membrane.

How to make a salt solution?

Saline solution for washing the nose - prescription 1. With sea salt.

Dissolve 1.5-2 tsp. sea ​​salt in 1 glass of warm boiled water. This "sea water" quickly removes the edema and facilitates breathing, and the natural iodine contained in sea salt, destroys the infection.

Saline solution for washing the nose - prescription 2. With table salt.

Dissolve 1 tsp. table salt in 1 cup of warm boiled water, add 1 tsp. baking soda and 1-2 drops of iodine (make sure beforehand that the child does not have an allergy to iodine). Such a solution has a triple action: the salt cleans mucous well; soda creates an alkaline environment in which the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria stops; iodine destroys the infection.

If you are preparing a solution for washing the nose to the baby, you can make it a little weaker to reduce the discomfort during the procedure. For an adult, the stronger the solution, the more effective.

How do I rinse my nose with saline?

Here are three ways to wash the nose with saline, suitable for both adults and children.

  1. Using a pipette - the most sparing, but also the least effective method, is suitable for the youngest children (up to 2 years). The child is laid on his back, his head is thrown back (the baby can lie on the edge of the sofa and hang his head, pointing his chin at the ceiling). Bury in each nostril for 3-6 pipettes of saline solution (depending on the age of the child). The child should remain in this position for 1-2 minutes, so that the solution can pass into the nasopharynx. Then it is necessary to cleanse the nose mechanically: the baby can suck the contents with a syringe or aspirator, the older children can blow their own noses. The minus of this method is that some of the contaminants and mucus along with the pathogenic bacteria enter the oral cavity and then swallow.
  2. With the help of a rubber pear (syringe) - an effective, but quite unpleasant and unloved children way. However, grown-up conscious children, after evaluating the effect of relief after such washing, often begin to calmly agree to it in the course of time. The washing procedure is carried out over the bathroom or sink. The child bends over, opens his mouth and the tongue protrudes. Mom collects half of the prepared salt solution in the rubber pear and slowly and carefully enters it into one nostril of the child. The liquid, together with mucus and contaminants from the nose, can pour out through the second nostril or through the mouth along the tongue. Then the second half of the solution is introduced into the second nostril. After this, the baby should blow his nose well.
  3. Self-washing by nasal brine - suitable for older children. The solution is poured into the palms folded up by the "boat", the child himself draws in the liquid with the nose, then spits it out. As after washing in other ways, at the end of the procedure it is necessary to blow your nose well.