Exercises for the heart

A huge number of people on Earth die daily from cardiovascular diseases. People stopped moving, switched to fast food and doomed themselves to a swift death. In order to understand how important exercises for the heart, we need to understand the system of blood supply to the body.

Every muscle is a small heart

Our circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels, of which 20% are large arteries and veins, and 80% are capillaries. Capillaries are the smallest vessels, but they represent the majority. The heart pumps blood through the arteries, and up to the capillaries it comes at the expense of movement and blood pressure. As a result, when there is a lack of movement, the capillaries are not fully supplied with blood, which means that the nutrition of tissues worsens, which are fed by the "supplies" of the smallest vessels. In this case, we see that each muscle is a pump - a reduced likeness to the heart. If the muscle works, each cell gets its dose of "food".


Exercises to strengthen the heart - it's any kind of cardio (it's not just called cardio), the load. And for the heart is not important intensity, and duration. A good cardio is when you sweat from a workout.

Among the classical types of physical activity from time immemorial, the most useful exercises for the heart are swimming , running, biking, and fast walking. In this case, it is important that the movement does not consist of jerks (basketball with sharp jumps is considered, for example, very harmful to the heart), but from a smooth and constant movement in space.

Complex for the heart

We will perform a set of exercises for training the heart and at the same time burn the excess weight on the body.

  1. We bend our knees and perform breathing and exhaling at a dynamic pace with the raising of hands.
  2. Hands in front of the chest - squats. We perform a set with hands in front of the chest, with the raising of hands, and with the lowering of hands to the side along the diagonal. Squats are considered the most balanced cardio exercises for the heart, so it's worth concentrating on them.
  3. We cross from one leg to the other, while bending our arms in the elbows.
  4. Rotate from side to side - hands together, legs do not tear off the floor, knees bent.
  5. We rotate the arms around the circle and crouch, when the hands fall down.
  6. Hands in front of you, we pull hands alternately in the direction, as if stretch in the hands of an elastic band. Then we perform "stretching" with both hands simultaneously.
  7. We crouch, we lower our arms diagonally down, get up, raise our arms diagonally upwards.
  8. We squat, we carry the weight of the body to the foot, get up and pull the bent leg to the chest.
  9. We walk from side to side.
  10. The legs are wider than the shoulders, the arms are stretched out in front of us, we raise the arms and connect them.
  11. We lower our hands, raise them to the level of the shoulders and lower them to the IP.
  12. Leave hands at shoulder level, bend them in front of the chest, straighten and divorce to the side.