Rice porridge - good and bad

Many are convinced that all porridges are incredibly useful, and include them in your diet to the maximum. However, in fact, the power of cereals can not always be embodied in the groats that are sold in stores - and the fault is not the natural imperfection, but the processing techniques. From this article you will learn about the benefits and dangers of rice porridge.

The use of rice porridge

Speaking about the usefulness of rice porridge, it is worth considering that we are talking about the most natural kinds of rice - brown and wild. They are useful for the body.

In the composition of rice porridge there are a number of essential amino acids, a large amount of starch, as well as vitamins B1, B2, PP and E. Also in the dish there are important minerals such as iron, iodine, calcium phosphorus , selenium. And the less processed the grain passed, the more they are in its composition.

Rice is a unique cereal that can absorb slags and toxins and remove them from the body. Due to this property there are even special cleansing diets based on the reception of rice. It is also believed that rice porridge is useful in kidney failure and diarrhea, as well as certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The benefits and harm of rice porridge

It is worth mentioning that only brown or black (wild) rice brings benefits to the body, which retain a useful shell and, therefore, provide the body with fiber and nutrients. The habitual white rice does not carry in itself useful properties, as together with a cover it deprive and nutritious components.

The problem is that all kinds of white rice, which we usually use for food, are rice that is refined, devoid of useful fiber , and is essentially a pure simple carbohydrate. That's why traditional rice porridge for weight loss is absolutely not suitable - too much carbohydrates in it and little good.