Fruit Diet

What can be tastier than juicy, fragrant, sun-drenched fruits? Their nourishing flesh is melting in the mouth. Fruits can be a full-fledged dish, and a dessert and even a thirst for quench they are able. To the beneficial properties can be attributed the richness of fruits with vitamins and vitally essential nutrients. And besides - they are also easy to assimilate!

Fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins: apricots of the vitamin A deposit (a total of 300 g of apricots make up the daily norm of this vitamin), bananas are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and berries, folic acid is in oranges, citrus and black currant contain a huge amount of vitamin P (citrine). Fruits are an ideal source of fiber, and the nutritional value of many of them is not at all high. The useful properties of fruits include the high content of organic acids in them, and the presence of plant pigments. And the smell of fruit, reminiscent of hot summer days, appears due to the essential oils contained in them.

Fruit Diet is one of the best options for losing weight. After all, with its help you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body of toxins, while gaining strength and energy of fruit. On this diet, you will not feel exhausted and unhappy, and you will not have to refuse yourself sweet, as the fruit is full of easily digestible sugar - fructose.

Seven-day fruit diet

Diet of fruits is great for hot summer months, when due to the heat there is absolutely no appetite. On this diet, your menu will be: fruits, vegetables, chicken and cereals. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of still mineral water a day.

During the week it is necessary to eat as follows: for breakfast you eat a fruit salad (use fruits growing in your area), seasoned with a teaspoon of lemon juice. For lunch it is worth eating either vegetables baked with meat, or boiled rice with vegetables. And dinner consists of a salad of tropical fruits.

The result of the seven-day fruit diet will be a loss of 6 kg per week.

Fruit and vegetable diet

Fruit and vegetable diet is a great way to bring the organism in order after the holidays. This variant of the fruit diet is fast enough and the reviews about it are the most positive. The diet is designed for 3 days, which will be better spent at home and relax.

Fruit day

For breakfast, you eat a fruit salad (choose any fruit except bananas). Do not forget to drink more water!

For lunch, eat half a melon and fruit salad.

For an afternoon snack - grated apple.

And before going to bed, drink tea from chamomile and eat one banana.

Vegetable day

For breakfast, you drink a glass of vegetable juice (you can sprinkle a little) and eat 3 large, stuffed mushrooms, tomato.

For lunch, eat steamed cabbage and broccoli, sprinkled with a small amount of cheese.

For an afternoon snack, eat a salad of any vegetables.

And the supper consists of stew, on a small amount of vegetable oil, tomatoes, cabbage and eggplant.

Fruit and vegetable day

For breakfast, you need to eat a fruit salad.

For lunch, you eat 4 large tomatoes baked with cheese.

The snack consists of a carrot-apple salad.

And for dinner you eat a vegetable salad, which is washed down with a glass of tomato juice.

Kefir and fruit diet

The essence of the kefir-fruit diet> is that within 3 days you can eat fruits in any quantities, but at the same time, they need to drink 1600 ml of skimmed yogurt (daily). With this diet, you Build 2 kg for 3 days. It is also possible to stabilize the weight, using the kefir-fruit diet as fasting days 1 time per week.

Fruit and milk diet

For those who want to lose 6 kg of excess weight for a week there is a fruit and milk diet. To do this, you must adhere to such a diet: for breakfast you drink green tea without sugar. The second breakfast includes 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese, for lunch you need to eat 250 g of fruit (except bananas). For a mid-morning snack, drink defatted yogurt or kefir, and for dinner eat fresh fruit in the amount of 250 g. Do not forget to drink plenty of water and green tea.