Human psyche

For a long time, scientists have fought over the right characteristic of the human psyche. At present, the scientific community tends to believe that it is more appropriate to call the psyche one of the most complex functions of the brain, into which a large number of important pieces of information fit for the individual . It is thanks to them that man is able to control his behavior, state and, in general, orient himself in reality.

Human psyche

Psychic represents the inner world of a person, which includes experiences, relationships, thoughts, expectations, dreams, feelings and views. Everything that happens inside a person, be it thinking, motives, memory, perception, speech - all this enters into the concept of the psyche, but if it is transferred to the external plane, then the psyche has no relation.

Scientists conditionally divide the psyche into the executive and governing part. The first is thinking, speech and psychomotor processes, and the second is the person's personality.

There is an opinion that the development of the psyche is peculiar to man, animals and birds, it is not peculiar to worms and the simplest organisms. This is explained by the fact that its formation occurs at a later stage of evolution.

Effects on the human psyche

Many are interested in the question of how to pressure the human psyche, how to influence it. We will consider several ways of manipulating the human mind.

  1. A false re-request . The person, after asking for clarification, repeats only a part of the phrase, and replaces the rest with profit for himself.
  2. Accustomed haste . The manipulator, after saying something, quickly translates the topic so that the information is not disputed. This is a dangerous way of manipulation, because frequent Overloading overloads consciousness and opens the subconscious.
  3. Pseudo-inattention . The manipulator behaves indifferently, than urging the person's desire to convince himself of the significance of what has been said. So you can get that information that people did not initially seek to disclose.
  4. False flawedness . In this case, the manipulator pretends to be weak to achieve leniency and get what it wants. The person's psyche relaxes and does not take the information of such a manipulator seriously, because of what his words penetrate into the subconscious.

Be attentive in communicating with people and do not allow to manipulate your psyche. Having noticed such a person, give him a rebuff, showing that such manipulations will not pass with you.