Sandwiches with herring

Sandwiches with herring - a very original, unusual, but simple enough to prepare a dish. This appetizer will look great on any cocktail party, festive feast, and also perfectly diversifies your daily dinner and will cause a lot of positive emotions among the guests. We offer you several recipes for making sandwiches with herring.

Sandwiches with mustard and herring



Cut the herring into pieces and clean the fish from the bones. For sauce we combine sour cream, add lemon juice, finely chopped dill, mustard seeds and mix. Slices of black bread cut into pieces and for each one put first a piece of herring, and then watered with cooked sauce. We decorate sandwiches with finely chopped green onions, add slices of apples and decorate with fresh greens of dill.

Recipe for sandwiches with herring



We cut the loaf with slices of medium thickness. Chop the fillets of the herring in small pieces. Fused cheese shredded cubes. Wash the parsley with cold water, dry it and crush it. Now mix the prepared food in a small bowl and spread the slices of the loaf with this mixture. On request, you can decorate ready-made sandwiches with herring with parsley greens, and serve on a buffet table.

Sandwiches with beets and herring



Beets are boiled in salted water until cooked, peeled and grinded on a large grater. Garlic is cleaned, squeezed through the press, we add mayonnaise and finely chopped parsley, mix well. Now take the fillet of herring and cut it into small pieces.

We heat the frying pan, pour the vegetable oil into it and fry the bread slices of bread so that they get a crusty and crispy crust. Now we clean from the husk and cut with rings the onion ray. As soon as our bread gets under, we spread beet pulp, we put fish pieces, then chopped onions and decorate sandwiches with herring and beetroot parsley.

Sandwiches with herring and egg



Eggs pre-boil, clean and grind along with green onions and mix with mayonnaise. We put the resulting mass on pieces of rye bread, and decorate with pieces of fish fillet from above.

Sandwiches with herring and kiwi



So, we process the herring, cleanse it of the skin, the entrails and bones, and then cut it her portioned neat pieces. Next, we clean from the peel of kiwi, shredding it in small circles. Rye bread is cut into random slices. We get the butter beforehand from the refrigerator and leave it to lie down at room temperature, so that it is slightly melted and easier to smear. Now that all the necessary ingredients have been prepared, start making sandwiches. To do this, each slice of bread is smeared with a small layer of cream butter, put a piece of herring on top, and next to them place a kiwi circle.