How to lose weight once and for all?

The question of how to lose weight once and for all, worries many of us, and it is not surprising, because most people are faced with the fact that diets give only a short-term effect. But, there is a way out, you just need to find out what dieticians recommend and follow their advice.

How to lose weight forever - advice of nutritionists and doctors

If you decide to seriously tackle your figure and want your efforts not to be wasted, follow the following expert recommendations:

  1. Forget about short-term diets, to lose weight did not return, you should reconsider your diet, but not for one week, but for life. Pay attention to the so-called principles of proper nutrition , eat less simple carbohydrates and fats, eat more white meat, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Physical activity is the key to success. It does not matter what you do, even a walk in the park will help, how to lose weight much and forever, and do not gain weight again. Do not sit on the couch, if you want to watch a movie, combine fun with household chores, for example, ironing, or do some sit-ups during commercial breaks.
  3. Do not neglect cosmetic means, of course, they are not a panacea, and if you do not keep to a diet and lie all day on the bed, the weight will not go away. But, still, using them, you can tighten the skin, make it more elastic and the contours of the body will become more clear and attractive.
  4. Make yourself small gifts, including gastronomic ones, just remember that 1 small cake once every 7 days will not prevent you from losing weight properly and forever, but if you eat them daily, the kilograms will not only go away, but will also increase.
  5. Drink more water, it will help to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. Focus on your own feelings , feel thirsty - immediately drink, do not allow dehydration of the body.