How to water a dracaena?

Watering any houseplant is an integral part of caring for it. As for the dracaena in particular, one must be especially careful with it, since the flower does not tolerate excessive watering and simply perishes. This applies to almost all species of this plant , with the exception of Sandera (bamboo of happiness) - it can constantly be in the water and feel fine. All the other dracen from the increased humidity rotten roots.

How correctly to water the dracaena?

The correctness of irrigation is determined by several factors: irrigation frequency, water quality, its quantity, irrigation technique. And how often to water the dracaena, in turn, depends on a number of factors.

Like most plants, dracaena at different times of the year requires a different amount of moisture. So you need to know exactly how to water the dracaena in summer and winter: in a hotter period the flower is watered 1-2 times a week, whereas in winter it is enough once in 1.5-2 weeks. However, not everything is so simple, because you also need to take into account the humidity in the room and monitor the earth coma. Sometimes, in the winter because of the heat of the batteries, the climate in the room forces you to water the dracene more often.

As to how much water is required to be poured into the pot every time, we can say the following: water must soak up the whole earth clod, but do not stand in the pot. Stagnant water, as you remember, leads to rotting roots.

As for the irrigation technique, there are three ways how you can water the dracen:

And the last aspect of proper watering is which water to water the Drachsen? Water should be at room temperature, before watering it must be protected for at least 24 hours. Better yet, if the water is rain or melted.