Puer tea is good and bad

The people of China treat tea not just as a drink they get by making tea leaves. With this drink they have a whole philosophy, the doctrine of species, varieties and ways of using it. About a quarter of the total volume of tea grown in the world accounts for the share of the Celestial Empire. All Chinese teas are made only on the basis of tea bushes grown in China. He is the only producer of tea such rare varieties as yellow and white oolong tea and Puer tea .

Composition of Puer tea

Initially, this tea was made from several varieties of tea tree, which grows in Yunnan. Its distinctive properties are due to the composition and manufacturing method. Puer tea is produced by the method of long fermentation, which takes up to 1.5 months. But even at the end of this process, tea is not ready for consumption. Puer tea acquires all its useful properties for a year after production. This is the only kind of black tea that only benefits from the impact of time.

A distinctive feature of this tea is that it is based on the leaves of tea bushes, whose age exceeds several hundred years. As a result of mixing the leaves of young and old tea bushes, Puer tea acquires a rich taste, which is supplemented by light fruit notes.

Benefit of Puer tea

First of all Puer tea positively affects the work of the digestive system. It speeds up the work of the intestines, promotes the process of digestion, relieves constipation. In addition, this drink has a toning effect on the body, the effect of which can be compared with strong energy, but without the negative effect on the body. Thanks to the specific properties of this tea, many consider it to be truly magical. "Feeling" a person's condition, he is able to have the right effect on the body. He will calm the too-excited organism and excite the relaxed.

And what is the benefit of Puer tea for women? His popularity among the female population, he earned due to the fact that contributes to the normalization of weight. All those who used this particular remedy in combating excess kilograms share positive feedback. At the same time for women, it is important not only what effect this tea has on the body, but also how it does it. When losing weight, the effect of Puer tea is quite noticeable, while unlike other drugs, it does not damage the hair, skin, and nails. On the contrary, the skin will become elastic, the nails strong, and the hair shiny.

Contra-indications of Puer tea

You need to know not only the useful properties of Puer tea, it also has contra-indications, like many other teas. It is necessary to limit its use in pregnancy, as well as people suffering from stomach diseases. With gastritis and ulcers to drink this tea in general it is impossible, and at an atherosclerosis and a hypertension it is necessary to be limited only to slightly boiled tea. The theophylline contained in it helps to increase the temperature of the body, so you should not drink it together with antipyretics. You should not also allow this tea to be given to children, since their body is very susceptible to the Pu components contained in the tea.

Benefit and harm of Puer tea directly depends on the person himself, since if you follow all the advice on how to prepare it, it's good to get acquainted with the contraindications, its effect on the body will be only positive. Also it is worth remembering that it's not worth to drink it on an empty stomach, because in this case it promotes abundant secretion of gastric juice, which affects the body negatively, and causes heartburn and sharp pain.