Classes in the gym

Most women are afraid to engage in simulators, simply because of the entrenched stereotype that says that only Schwarzenegger leaves the gym . In fact, classes in the gym can be quite harmless in this sense. Moreover, after six months you can not even lose weight! The truth is, it does not depend on the simulators, but on you - if after a workout run to a cafe and eat fatigue, your body will respond very positively to the intake of calories .

There are several rules of training in the gym, not doing which, the effect will have to wait a very long time:

Perhaps the main benefit of training in the gym is time saving. Being engaged at home, you could achieve the same results, only would spend on their achievement much more strength and weeks. Simulators, weighting and all kinds of inventory help to speed up the process of body formation.


Exercises for the press:

  1. Twisting - we put our feet on the bench, we lay down on the floor, hands behind the head. We make the ascent, heading elbows to the pelvis. Each exhalation exhales. You can also do with outstretched hands, touching them with a bench. We do three approaches 30 times each.
  2. For the waist - sit on the floor, put our feet on a small stand (for example, on a stap platform) we pick up a dumbbell, keep our back straight and make turns of the body.

Exercises for the buttocks:

  1. An inclined bench is fixed in a low position. We lay down on the bench with the hips, we fasten the feet behind the hilt, arms cross on the chest. We do lifting by the body on exhalation.
  2. We lay down on the rug, we bend the legs under ourselves to the maximum, we put a dumbbell on the basin. We raise the pelvis from the dumbbells, fix and lower the pelvis, without touching the floor.
  3. The back surface of the thigh - the center of gravity we transfer to the heels, we look in front of us, in hands we take the neck. We take the pelvis back and raise the bar on the legs.

Exercises for legs and back:

  1. Press one leg - put one foot on the platform, slightly slant to increase the load on the hips. We bend the leg in the knees so that the knee and sock look in one direction. We perform 15 repetitions per leg.
  2. We sit down facing the bench, lean forward, we take dumbbells in our hands, we set our legs back. We spread our hands in the direction of the elbows. We try to keep the blades as much as possible.