Pneumonia in pregnancy

Pneumonia often has a seasonal character, and the incidence is more often in the cold periods of the year. But future mothers, unfortunately, can not always be protected from this disease.

Pneumonia during pregnancy carries a threat to both the mother's health and fetal health and is a reason for hospitalization and qualified treatment. Pneumonia during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, especially if the disease is feverish.

Causes of pneumonia in pregnant women

The causative agents of the disease are various infections, depending on whether the disease has arisen in a domestic setting or is hospital-based. Predisposing factors are alcoholism, smoking, obstructive bronchial lesions, heart failure, treatment with immunosuppressants, adverse ecology, depletion of the body.

Most cases of pneumonia are caused by microorganisms that do not have a pathological effect on the fetus (with the exception of viruses).

Symptoms of pneumonia in pregnant women

The main signs of pneumonia in pregnancy include cough, pain in the chest, fever, dyspnea, chills, general intoxication - headache, weakness, fatigue, sweating, decreased appetite.

Pneumonia during pregnancy is more severe, which is associated with a decrease in the respiratory surface of the lungs during this period, a high diaphragm position, enlarged and raised by the uterus. All this limits breathing, causes an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system.

Treatment of pneumonia in pregnant women

Treatment of pneumonia in pregnancy is advisable to conduct in a hospital. At the same time antibiotics are appointed, which do not have a detrimental effect on the development of the child. In addition, expectorants, inhalers, mustards can be recommended.

Pneumonia provided timely and correct treatment is not an indication for the termination of pregnancy. However, in certain cases (such as pneumonia in the early stages of pregnancy, taking place against the background of influenza and in severe form), the doctor may recommend terminating the pregnancy, since there is a risk of perinatal complications or spontaneous abortion.

No less dangerous pneumonia in a pregnant woman, which began shortly before the onset of labor. In this case, the threat is pulmonary edema, difficult circulation in them, inadequacy of the cardiac activity of a woman. In such cases, doctors attempt to delay the onset of labor until the peak of the disease has passed, since the birth process during the pneumonia becomes dangerous for the woman herself.