How to brew oats for weight loss?

At one time Hippocrates was convinced of the benefits of oat broth and recommended drinking it, even savor, daily instead of tea and any other drinks. It's funny to admit, but modern medicine has not added anything new to Hippocrates's claims - drink, and you will have health.

But is not health and weight loss concepts similar? When the body is healthy, he can easily cope with excess weight (if there is one). Therefore, drinks from oats are prepared for weight loss and for recovery.

How to boil the broth from the oats?

There are many ways to brew oats for weight loss. You can cook broths, kissels, tinctures, as well as various drinks, in which oats to enter, as one of the components. We'll start with the broth.

For a decoction, you do not need cereal, namely oat grain, that is, what is called oatmeal.

Take 2 cups of oats, pour them into an enamel saucepan, pour warm boiled water (0.25 l). Leave for 12 hours, when the grains swell, add water so that it again covers the grain. Put the pan on the smallest fire, leaving it to languish for 1.5 hours. From time to time, add water.

After this, pour the broth into a separate bowl, and chop the boiled grains with a blender. Combine the broth and oat mash, boil again, and bring to the consistency of jelly.

Infusion of oats

Such an infusion of oats is taken not only for weight loss, but also for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

100 g of unpurified grains should be poured with a liter of warm boiled water and left for 12 hours in a warm place. Strain and drink 3 times a day for 100 g before meals. Keep the infusion in the refrigerator. The grains that have remained after percolation are washed, dried and ground into flour. They should be taken as a fiber powder, washed down with 1 tablespoon. a glass of water.

Drinks from oats are good, first of all, for the normalization of the work of all organs of the digestive tract, for this account, and the effect of losing weight is achieved.