Losing weight by Gavrilov

Dr. Mikhail Alekseevich Gavrilov is a doctor-psychotherapist, nutritionist and author of a unique method of losing weight. Its peculiarity consists in an integrated approach to the problem of weight loss. This is not only a change in diet, it's also working on yourself with the help of various psychological trainings, as well as physical exercise. Losing weight according to Gavrilov does not contain food bans, it is not a diet, it is a change in the perception of the world and the way of life . The main principle of the method is not to fight with yourself, but with fat. Moreover, you have to love yourself, without waiting for the body to find the desired forms. Only loving and accepting yourself, your individuality, you can fight excess weight.

Method of weight loss of Dr. Gavrilov - 3 stages

1. Diagnostics . Includes both physical and psychological diagnosis. The first consists of a blood test, ultrasound of some internal organs (gall bladder, liver, kidneys, heart), measurement of body parameters (anthropometry) and analysis of body composition. This is done in order to avoid health problems, and correctly organize, from a medical point of view, the process of weight loss. The second is necessary to determine the cause of excess kilograms. After all, according to statistics, only 10% of excess weight is due to physiological problems, the remaining 90% is, as unfortunate, overeating. But after all, overeating is not associated with hunger, but with an appetite, which in turn consists of our not lived emotions, unfulfilled aspirations. And only by realizing yourself emotionally and psychologically, you can achieve your goal - to become slim and healthy.

2. The formation of proper eating behavior . Those. change of eating habits (somehow: for the company, from excitement and boredom). Includes goal setting - the goal should be formulated as clearly as possible, in your words, necessarily positive (there should be no particles) and most importantly - feel it.

Adherence to the principles of rational nutrition - Gavrilov's method for weight loss does not impose bans on the use of certain products and does not accept starvation , on the contrary, food should be frequent - at least 4 times a day, and include high-quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Counting the calorie content of food is a prerequisite, because no method of weight loss, according to the method of Gavrilov, or any other, can not produce results if the amount of calories consumed will be greater than their consumption.

Keeping a diary of nutrition - will help in the analysis of food habits, and ultimately will reach the next point.

Getting rid of food addiction.

3. Saving the result . Unfortunately, the most difficult point in the method of losing weight is MA Gavrilov, as in other and all other methods. After all, no matter how wonderful the method is, no matter how competent specialists are, the final result always depends on the will and desire of the patient, and they have a tendency to dwindle over time.