How to remove the "ears" on the inside of the thigh?

Looking at pictures of slender models in glossy magazines, it remains to be surprised how they manage to maintain slender hips, because this is one of the most common problem areas. However, coping with imperfections in this area is not difficult, the main thing is a complex approach.

How to remove the "ears" on the inside of the thigh?

If you expect a list of miracle exercises, you know: to remove fat deposits in any zone helps only correction of the diet, sports here plays a secondary role, because it affects the muscles, and not fat. Your body will evenly remove fat reserves as a result of proper nutrition, improving your figure. The approximate ration is very simple:

  1. Breakfast: buckwheat, egg, toast with slices of apple, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch: salad from vegetables, brown rice, stewed with chicken.
  3. Snack: a portion of cottage cheese or a slice of cheese with tea.
  4. Dinner: vegetables (fresh or cooked, but not fried) and lean meat, poultry or fish.

Eating so, you quickly figure out how to remove the "ears" on the inside of the thigh. If in addition to this you will make daily jogs or bike tours for 20-30 minutes, this will speed up the results.

How to remove cellulite from the inside of the thigh?

Cellulite is an incorrectly distributed fatty deposit, which quickly disappears as a result of a proper diet and runs. To enhance the results, rub the skin regularly with a towel after showering.

How to remove flabbiness on the inside of the thigh?

Laxity indicates that your muscles are not in good shape. To begin with, connect regular jogs or running in place if you want to study at home. Then you can add exercises: sit-ups , raising your leg up on your side, attacks with dumbbells. Do them in 3 sets of 15 times.

Using the entire proposed set of measures, you in a few weeks will bring your feet to the ideal state.