Cumin for slimming - a way of using

Cumin is a fragrant seasoning, home to which are the Mediterranean and India. The rich chemical composition of this spice makes it possible to widely use it both in cooking and medicine, and even caraway seeds are used for weight loss in a variety of ways.

Useful properties of cumin for weight loss

The composition of this spice includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins, B vitamins , dietary fiber, minerals, as well as numerous antioxidants, fatty acids, including polyunsaturated, tannins, flavonoids, phospholipids, saponins, etc. This content of useful substances gives cumin anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic, and yet cumin is widely used as a means to lose weight due to the ability to reduce appetite and normalize metabolism.

Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids accelerate the lipid metabolism, and as a whole the product increases the motor and secretory functions of the stomach, has a laxative effect, helping the body to get rid of the decay products. Squeezed from black cumin, that is, its oil is used externally to improve the circulation of blood and lymph, reduce the appearance of cellulite.

How to apply caraway seeds for weight loss?

As already mentioned, cumin helps with weight loss, but for this you need to apply it correctly, and not just add a little in the process of cooking. Here are the most popular recipes:

Alternatively, you can give up lean oil when refueling salads and use only cumin oil. It is recommended and drink it in the mornings and evenings before meals, stirring 1 tsp. in half a glass of orange juice, adding honey if desired. However, in the pursuit of a slender figure, it must be remembered that this spice is contraindicated to hypotension, since it is able to lower blood pressure, but also to pregnant and lactating women. As a seasoning for cooking dishes it can be used by everyone. Especially good cumin suitable for fatty meat dishes, baking, you can even sour cabbage with it.