Horoscope by birthday

Many people had to read the classical description of their zodiac sign. The birthday horoscope refers to numerology - a science that is based on number predictions.

Most astrologers are convinced that the destiny of a person can be affected not only by the date of birth, but also by the sequence of letters in the name and surname. By numbers, you can create a special horoscope, which can predict the variations of human destiny. But do not think that the horoscope predicts the future with an accuracy of 100%. Perhaps, the prediction bears a certain key or simply leads to certain reflections. And then, you can always prevent the predicted ill-considered actions and wrong actions, the main thing is to believe in the best.

If you have a double digit of birth, pay attention to the single numbers that it contains. In addition to the double date, you can calculate its individual figures and their amount. A horoscope by birthdays of a person allows you to determine its character, fate, weaknesses and strengths. After drawing up a horoscope, many people try to improve in themselves those or other features, pay attention to certain actions. Numerological horoscope will be able to tell what colors, and the days of the week will be the most favorable, which planet influences most and determines the propensity to develop. Having received certain knowledge, you can solve problems and better understand yourself.

Birth horoscope by days of the week

Many future mothers even during pregnancy think about how their child will grow, so they carefully select names and try to conceive a child in such a way that he was born at a certain time. The character and temperament of the child is very influenced by the day of the week of birth. Every day of the week patronizes a certain planet. Let's briefly analyze the characteristics of each day of the week.

  1. Monday. The protection of the moon. Contradiction and devotion.
  2. Tuesday. The patronage of Mars. Persistence and ambition.
  3. Wednesday. Mercy's patronage. Dimensionality and perseverance.
  4. Thursday. The patronage of Jupiter. Consistency and leadership.
  5. Friday. The patronage of Venus. Windiness and cheerfulness.
  6. Saturday. Patronage of Saturn. Intelligence and diligence.
  7. Sunday. The patronage of the sun. Carelessness and luck.

Horoscope of the moon in birthday

You can use the lunar calendar and find out your lunar characteristics. Lunar birthday is always considered in more detail than the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac. This day can provide knowledge about the characteristics of the character, hidden abilities and opportunities, features of health, luck, activity, personal life, probable career paths. People of Western culture calculate the day of their birth on a solar calendar, while the older and more accurate is considered to be the lunar one. Having received information about the lunar day of your birth, you can better understand the features his character.

To get more accurate and complete information about the horoscope on a lunar birthday, we recommend that you contact professional astrologers who will be able to provide more detailed information and provide knowledge about the importance of numerology and lunar phases in human life. When considering a person's personality, astrologers take into account a variety of factors influencing the moon.

But we must remember that the horoscope is not a verdict. It shows the most possible course of events with a certain line of behavior. Therefore, if our behavior changes, the result also changes.