Cotara Syndrome

Every adult person has heard about what a zombie is. At least he saw these characters in films, walking bodies that are not capable of feeling anything or thinking.

Psychiatrists would have said such insensitive beings that they must be treated, because Cotard's syndrome has taken hold of the brains of these people.

A man who was sick with this delirium, when he was put in a hospital, tried in every possible way to convince doctors that he did not need to spend medicines on him, because his brain had long been dead. Graham could not taste the food he served. Although, what there to say, he did not need it. As well as not needed to communicate with others, in an effort to do something. He did not have such a need. What did he do recently? - he just wandered among the graves. was convinced that he was already dead.

Pursuing Cotard Syndrome

About this mental illness, which frightens its mysteriousness, even modern cinema devoted a short tape.

This syndrome is a depressive delirium of a nihilistic-hypochondriacal character, to which the ideas of immensity are attached. Some psychiatrists hold the view that it is nothing more than a mirror image or a manic delusional grandeur. This is one of the rarest diseases in the world that can seize several hundred people at any time.

For the first time in the history of psychiatry, this condition was described in the French patient by her treating physician Jules Cotard in the distant 1880s. The woman denied in every possible way, some parts of her own body and refused to believe in the existence of good and evil. She kept saying that she was cursed and could never die a natural death, as a result of which she refused food and water. After a while she died of hunger.

The patient Graham, who was talking about at the beginning, claimed that he was more comfortable in the cemetery, because he feels a special connection with the dead.

Scientists, having scanned his brain, found that the activity in some parts of it was so low that it could be said about the vegetative state. Graham's brain functioned in this mode, as if he was in a dream or under the influence of anesthesia.

It is important to note that the syndrome - Catar's delirium occurs in psychotic forms of severe depressions with a large scale (they are also called as depressive psychosis). Also in the form of schizoaffective disorders ( mental disorders that combine the symptoms of both an affective disorder associated with a violation of the emotional sphere of a person, and schizophrenia , a disorder associated with the dismemberment of mental processes or reactions of the emotional plan).

Most often there is a syndrome with senile psychoses and depression. If the disease manifests itself in young people, this indicates that a person has extreme depression, an increased level of anxiety, and a high suicidal danger.

Cotard syndrome - symptoms

  1. Delusional ideas that differ in colorful, exaggerated statements on the general background of an anxious and dreary character. The patient can complain about the fact that his breath poisoned the whole peace, to the fact that he does not have a heart.
  2. The patient is able to assert that he died a long time ago, that the body has decayed for a long time, and the worms ate it. Perhaps, I am sure that he is awaited by terrible punishments for the evil that he brought to all mankind.
  3. At a greater stage of the development of mental illness, patients deny others, the outside world. They believe that everything around has perished, and there is nothing else on the planet, neither alive nor dead.

Remember that no one is immune from mental disorders. Take care of yourself. Do not let life's difficulties destroy you.