Chicory - good and bad

Chicory is a medicinal plant that humanity learned about centuries ago. The most useful part is the root, considered in ancient Rome the best way to improve digestion, and in Egypt used as an antidote for the bites of poisonous spiders and snakes.

This amazing plant perfectly helps in the treatment of various diseases, improves well-being and helps in the fight against excess weight . The root of chicory promotes the excretion of toxins from the body, cleans the blood of harmful impurities, it is from this part of the plant that a very popular drink is made today, which is called chicory.

Benefit and harm of chicory

Due to the fact that this nutrient contains the main nutrients necessary for the life of the organism, the usefulness of chicory can not be overemphasized.

Influence on the nervous system

Thanks to the large content of vitamins of group B, chicory normalizes the work of the nervous system. Invigorates, energizes, cheers up, is a sedative.

Influence on the digestive system

As part of this plant there is polysaccharide inulin, which significantly improves digestion, promotes the establishment of intestinal microflora, prevents dysbacteriosis and saves from constipation. By the way, this substance controls the amount of sugar in the blood, thereby facilitating the state of the patient with diabetes mellitus.

Influence on the cardiovascular system

Chicory is saturated with potassium and magnesium, which are important for the full operation of the heart and for the treatment of various diseases of this organ. Speaking about the usefulness of a drink made of chicory for the cardiovascular system, it is worth noting its ability to normalize the heartbeat, dilate the blood vessels and reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Thanks to all these qualities, chicory is an excellent assistant for hypertension, tachycardia, ischemic heart disease, etc.

Influence on the immune system

If you regularly eat chicory, the beneficial substances with which it is rich, strengthen immunity and help fight colds and viruses. Also, the body will be cleansed of toxins, toxins, metabolism will improve, by the way, thanks to these qualities, chicory also helps to lose weight.

Now let's consider what is harmful about chicory:

  1. Possessing the property to expand blood vessels, chicory can not be used by people who have varicose veins.
  2. It is not desirable to use chicory and allergic people, because this plant is replete with vitamin C.
  3. The use of chicory in unlimited amounts can harm the liver.
  4. With individual intolerance, chicory can cause significant harm to health.

Than useful chicory for losing weight?

For more than one year, scientists have been conducting various studies and are trying to find out whether it is possible to lose weight from chicory. The results of many experiments have shown that the use of chicory for weight loss is as follows:

  1. Vitamin B1, which is present in the composition of chicory, converts carbohydrates and proteins into energy, and vitamin B2 breaks down fats.
  2. Pectin contributes to "dulling" the feeling of hunger, speeds up the process of removing slag from the body and is an excellent fat burner.
  3. Intibin stimulates rapid metabolism and prevents the deposition of fat.
  4. As a diuretic, chicory helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  5. Thanks to inulin, blood sugar levels decrease, so if during a diet you can not deny yourself a sweet, drink chicory, it maximally neutralizes the harm from these products.