Diet with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease associated with a benign neoplasm in the chest, and for all its harmlessness increases the risk of developing breast cancer. That is why nutrition with mastopathy is the most important element that allows to strengthen the action of other measures and help the body to cope without leading to more serious consequences.

Diet for mastopathy: a list of prohibitions

Diet for diffuse and fibrocystic mastopathy is a single system of nutrition, which should be adhered to, even if you just enter into a group at risk of developing such a disease. First of all, consider what should be excluded from the diet:

  1. The first rule is to reduce the consumption of fats, especially animal origin. Now, lard, steaks, lamb, pork, all fast food, sausages, sausages, meat delicacies, as well as fatty fish and fish are not for you.
  2. The second rule is a decrease in the total calorie content of the diet. We refuse from fried foods and any other that contains many fats and sugars (all desserts, buns, pastries, sweets).
  3. Limit in your menu all canned goods (including vegetable, and not only meat and fish).
  4. Limit salt to 8-10 g per day.
  5. Give up alcohol. It is permissible to drink a few glasses of quality, natural wine from time to time.

As you can see, a diet with mastopathy does not forbid you useful, nutritious foods - it forces you to abandon the harmful that provokes a lot of diseases.

Diet for mastopathy: recommended products

Nutrition in fibrocystic mastopathy, as with other types, will help to significantly improve the overall health. However, in order for it to have a curative effect, it is worth concentrating on the following recommendations:

  1. Enrich your diet with vitamins C, A, E and Complex B. They can be obtained from veal, liver, kidneys, seafood, hard cheeses and dairy products.
  2. Now it is important for you to maintain the right amount of iodine in the body, for this, eat sea kale, kefir, natural yogurt, quail eggs and chicken.
  3. Lack of fats should be compensated with vegetable fats - avocado, flaxseed, olive oil perfectly suits.
  4. Enrich the body with fiber: in winter, pharmacy, and in the summer - vegetables and fruits. All-the-year-round natural source - whole grains and products from them (bread, cereals).

In a diet with cystic mastopathy, it is worth adding herbal fees, which you will be advised by your doctor, based on your concomitant diseases.