Express diet for 3 days - 5 kg

Express diet for 3 days, the result of which - minus 5 kg on the scales, is a serious test of willpower and hardness of character . However, with a strong motivation to withstand this test, many can, and the result in the mirror will make you decide to further improve the figure.

Rules of rapid weight loss for three days

Diet for three days, driving in a minus 5 kg is always a hard mode, aimed at maximizing the metabolic processes and burning fat. In this case, it is necessary to make a diet so that the body, when experiencing a deficit of energy, began to take it from its own reserves.

The first and most important rule of any weight loss - you can not just sit on the water and starve! In this case, the body will begin to save every calorie, the slimming person will be sluggish and drowsy, and the arrow of the scales will persistently demonstrate the same weight. And the worst thing is that after the hunger strike, all the eaten organism will begin to be shelved, and the weight will begin to grow catastrophically.

To competently compose an individual diet for weight loss, you can use the principles of a variety of diets. For example, a diet low in carbohydrates very effectively causes the body to get rid of both the fat layer and excess water, but only people with chronic gastrointestinal and renal diseases can observe it.

With a low-carb diet allowed:

Under the ban fall fruit, cereals, bread, sweets, alcohol and foods high in fat.

The optimal weight loss can be any convenient way:

  1. "Rule of the palm" - a portion of the protein product is equal to the size of the palm (without fingers), vegetables should be placed in two palms folded together.
  2. "Rule of the plate" - a small plate (saucer) for 1 quarter is filled with protein products, for the remaining 3 quarters - with vegetables.
  3. With the help of scales - 70 g of protein product, 150-200 g - vegetables.

Feed should be 5 times a day, every 3 hours. Discipline in this case is very important, so if you can not eat at home, you need to take a portion with you.

Observe low-carbohydrate diet for a long time is impossible, for further weight loss in the diet of the first half of the day (the first three meals), you can add carbohydrate side dishes - pasta, cereals, cereal bread. Portion of carbohydrate garnish - 2 tablespoons, but protein foods and vegetables in this case should be eaten a little less. The other rules of weight loss remain the same.

How to accelerate weight loss with express diet for 3 days?

One express diet for a successful weight loss of 5 kg in 3 days can be small - it is necessary to help the body to quickly get rid of "ballast" - excess weight. To force the body to destroy the fat layer more quickly, physical exercises are necessary. Muscles burn calories three times more than fatty tissue, and, in addition, after exercise, the muscles continue to expend energy for several hours. The conclusion from the above is one - losing weight requires regular exercise. Great for slimming jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, weight training on simulators, various gymnastics and stretching exercises.

Acceleration of metabolic processes, and, consequently, and increased fat burning, cause some components of the diet: