Cut bread is good and bad

Previously, bran was considered nothing more than waste, but the more people started to take an interest in a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, the more popular this product became. Scientists have already proved that for the human body bread with bran is much more useful.

Composition of bran bread

Vitamins in the bread with bran include such as PP, K, B vitamins. It is also enriched with selenium , phosphorus, potassium, sodium, choline, manganese and calcium, whose use for the human body is difficult to overestimate. The calorie content of the off-grain bread per 100 grams is 248 kcal, but even despite this, a fairly high figure, it refers to dietary products. And because of its unique vitamin-mineral composition, this product is included in the curative menu.

What is useful for bran bread?

The use of otrubnogo bread is due primarily to the presence in it of vitamins. The vitamin B6 contained in this bread in plenty will take care of your psychological balance. Normal functioning of the nervous system will provide vitamin B12. Talk about the benefits of ascorbic acid and vitamin E, do not have to, because these vitamins in bread with bran are in abundance. There is also a lot of lipomic acid in this product, in which the body needs for the life support of many systems. Zinc, contained in this bread, is necessary for the normal operation of the brain. Of course, this type of bread is not so tasty and familiar to most people, but it is an excellent substitute for regular wheat bread.

Breast loaf for weight loss

If you decide to fight overweight and stick to a diet, it's not necessary to completely refuse bread. The usual bread can be replaced with bread with bran. Fiber, which it contains, not only provides a sense of saturation, but also contributes to removing from the body unnecessary "stocks". Sitting on a diet, you can afford a couple of slices of such bread a day. Even if you do not stick to diets, it is recommended to arrange occasional days of rest, consuming only green tea, vegetable salads and bran bread at that time. It is advised to do this every 3 weeks. The benefits of losing weight for them are very doubtful, but if you enter these products into your daily diet, they will have a positive impact on your health and body shape.

Contraindications to the use of otrubnogo bread

Despite all its benefits, bran bread and harm can cause health. However, it is possible only with such diseases as colitis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis in the acute stage. This is explained by the fact that the bran contained in the bread, being coarse particles, can create additional difficulties with their processing or damage the diseased organ.