How is the liver useful?

In many European countries, the liver is still considered a delicacy, from which the most delicious dishes are prepared. But apart from the remarkable taste, this product has many useful properties.

Today, often beef or chicken liver is used to lose weight or just to strengthen their health. What exactly is the substance of this product, and why it is so appreciated, we'll tell you now.

Useful properties of the liver

Even in ancient times people used the liver to cure most chronic diseases and even advised to use it for alcoholism. Today, it is actively consumed by pregnant women and children, because the liver contains folic acid and iodine, which are so necessary for a growing organism.

In addition, the liver is rich in high-grade proteins enriched with copper and iron. It also contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus , zinc; vitamins of group B and the lion's share of amino acids: tryptophan, methionine and lysine. But one of the most useful properties of the liver is a large amount of vitamin A, D, B vitamins, which provides kidney health, normalizes brain function, improves eyesight, makes the skin smooth, thick hair, and strong teeth. Also, the liver contains heparin, a substance that normalizes blood clotting, so it is very useful in diabetes, atherosclerosis and people prone to thrombosis.

Liver for weight loss

Due to its lightness and usefulness, this product is also famous as a food used for various diets. Since you have decided to fight with extra pounds and at the same time to strengthen your health, it is better to use beef or chicken liver for weight loss. These products are low-calorie and contain enough protein. So, eating 100 grams of chicken liver, we get half the daily protein norm. In 100 grams of fried chicken liver, only 170 kilocalories are counted, and if cooked or stewed, even less. However, using the useful properties of the liver for weight loss, you need to take into account that it also has carbohydrates, which may well lead to weight gain, so it's better to be careful with such a product.

Use for slimming cod liver is extremely unreasonable. This product has 98% of calories, in 100 grams there are 65.7 grams of fat, 4.2 grams of protein and 1.2 grams of carbohydrates . Therefore, it can not be called dietary and it is best to use it one, at most, twice a week.