What is useful for a pomegranate for women?

Beautiful bright red fruits of spherical shape can be found on the shelves of stores all year round. Inside they are separated by membranes and in each department there are 2 rows of grains, which consist of seed and juicy pulp. Even in ancient Rome recognized the use of pomegranate. Hippocrates recommended that his patients use fruit in the treatment of many diseases.

What is useful in grenade?

The composition of the fruit includes vitamins, minerals, tannins, acids and pectins. The benefits of fruits were evaluated not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Flesh has a disinfectant effect, so it is used for various inflammations. The garnet contains 14.5 g of carbohydrates per 100 g, and, therefore, the fruit can serve as a snack during the day. Given the low calorie content, it does not affect the figure in any way. The pomegranate contains pectins, which favorably affect the digestive system. Important fruit for the nervous system and helps it cope with headaches and insomnia. Glycemic index of pomegranate is 35, so you can safely enjoy the sweet grains.

Thanks to the availability of various vitamins, including ascorbic acid, the fruit strengthens the immune system and increases the protective functions of the body before the negative effects of viruses and infections. Fruit juice is an excellent preventive measure for the development of cancer. Especially it is important for those who have undergone an irradiation course or to people living in a radiation zone. Many people think that pomegranate raises pressure, but it's not. Doctors, on the contrary, recommend the use of grains to hypertensive patients. The fruit helps to get rid of a headache. Pomegranate is one of the few fruits that are not only resolved but also useful for diabetics.

What is useful for a pomegranate for a woman?

  1. The composition of the grains includes vitamin E and polyunsaturated acids, which normalize the hormonal balance.
  2. It is recommended to eat grains to get rid of pain during menopause and menopause.
  3. Garnet is considered an excellent prevention of the occurrence of breast cancer.
  4. Fruit juice positively affects the work of the ovaries. It is recommended to use it during the first week of the cycle for 1 tbsp. everyday.
  5. Many are interested in how much in iron garnet, and so, for 100 g is 1 mg. This is enough to increase the hemoglobin of the blood, which is especially important for pregnant and giving birth to women. Also, fruits are recommended for anemia and poor circulation of blood.
  6. For pregnant women, fruit is useful due to the presence of folic acid, which is important for the normal development of the fetus. More grains improve the tone of the vagina, help in the fight against toxicosis and reduces the pain syndrome during childbirth.
  7. With strong uterine bleeding, the pomegranate will also be useful, since it blood coagulates. Given this, it is recommended to eat it for women with plentiful monthly.
  8. Pomegranate can be used as a cosmetic. It is used in recipes for rejuvenating and moisturizing face masks and for scrubs. You can use juice to make a rinse aid to give shine and softness to the hair.

How is garnet used in folk medicine?

Useful not only the grain of the fruit, but also its other parts. For example, flowers have astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. With worms will help cope with the infusion based on the bark of the tree. A mixture of juice with warm water is used to rinse with sore throat and cough. White membranes that envelop the seeds of the fruit must be dried, and then brewed on their basis tea. Such a drink will help to cope with insomnia and stressful condition.