How to pump the back muscles?

Among girls and women, it is often possible to hear conversations about how to make an elastic press or buttocks, but how to properly pump the back muscles is rare. Lovely girls, working on the improvement of any part of your beautiful body, do not forget about the other parts of it. In any work, a complex approach is required, it is unlikely that the press will look good against the background of a sagging breasts, or, for example, elastic buttocks against a flabby back. In order to create a beautiful body, you need to work long and hard on all its parts, regularly perform the necessary exercises and eat right. Do not forget that 50% of success depends on nutrition.

Beautiful posture was valued at all times, in the distant past, for example, girls walked with books on their heads, and in some countries women still wear different objects. Performing daily simple exercises for the muscles of the back, you can get a royal posture and visually increase the chest.

Today, we'll talk about how a girl can pump her back and make her as attractive as possible. By the way, pumping back muscles at home is realistic, so do not necessarily rush to the nearest fitness club every evening to perform simple exercises. But if you are new to the sport, then it is better to ask the instructor how to pump your back in the gym, and after several sessions continue to train at home.

Before we get acquainted with simple exercises, let's talk about the muscles with which we will work. The back can be conditionally divided into 3 parts, upper, middle and lower. The upper part includes a trapezoid, a rhomboid muscle and a muscle that lifts the scapula. To the middle part there are the broadest, round muscles (large and small), spinous and jagged muscles, part of the longest muscle. The lower part is part of the longest muscle and the ilio-rib muscle.

Complex of exercises

Let's look at a small set of exercises, how to properly pump your back.

  1. "Swimming" . Lie on the floor on your stomach, lift your legs as high as possible and straight arms up. As quickly as possible, start changing hands and feet, the left hand works with the right foot and vice versa. During the exercise, make sure that the center of the body remains stationary, and do not tilt your head back.
  2. Superman . We lay down on the stomach, hands stretch forward, the head is lowered down. Slowly simultaneously raise the highest direct arms and legs as high as possible, remain in this position for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. During the exercise, make sure that you do not have over-extension in the neck (do not tilt your head back). In order to complicate the exercise, you need to connect your legs and hands together, if you have enough of a minimal load, spread your arms and legs slightly wider than on the width of your shoulders.
  3. "A cat with an extension" . We get up on all fours, head down. Slowly, simultaneously raise the right arm and left foot as high as possible, but at the same time make sure that you do not bend in the lumbar region, and the pelvis remains motionless. Slowly go back to the starting position and repeat the same with the opposite arm and leg. During the exercise, try to reach for the tips of the fingers on the hands and feet, feel the work of the muscles of the back.
  4. The "plow" . To make the back beautiful, you need not only to pump muscles, but also to pull. Lay down on the floor, place your hands along the trunk. Slowly raise your straight legs up and gently close your head. Try to relax completely in this position and feel the traction in the spine. During the exercise, be very careful, do not make sudden movements and choose a position based on physical capabilities.