Caviar from carrots for the winter

Various kinds of vegetable caviar, for example, "overseas eggplant", squash and others - are excellent preparations for the winter. Such homemade canned food is good for our menu in the cold season.

We will tell you how to prepare caviar from carrots and prepare it for the winter, there are various variants of such recipes with the addition of various other vegetables.

Caviar with carrots and onions with tomatoes



Wash all the vegetables thoroughly with cold water and dry. We put each of the ingredients in a separate bowl after grinding. Carrots will be rubbed on medium or large grater or crushed in a kitchen processor (chopper, blender, combine). Remove the stems and seeds from the sweet and bitter pepper and let the pods through the processor or meat grinder. Also tomatoes. Cut the chopped onion finely with a knife.

In a saucepan or a thick-walled saucepan, we heat the oil and save the onions until light transparency. Then we put carrots, mix and stew all together on low heat, stirring with a spatula, for 20 minutes. Add sweet and bitter pepper, tomato paste, salt and chopped garlic, mix thoroughly, so that the salt dissolves. Bring to a boil and cook it on low heat for another 8-12 minutes.

We lay the caviar in sterilized jars, pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of vinegar into each and roll them with sterilized lids in boiling water. We turn the cans and cover with an old coverlet until it cools down completely. Keep vegetable blanks of this type better in a cool room, but at plus temperature.

Approximately following the same recipe (see above), in a slightly modified version, you can prepare caviar from courgettes with carrots. To do this, take 0.5 kg of carrots and 0.5 kg of zucchini for the same amount of remaining ingredients. Zucchini can be cut with a knife in small cubes or chopped into a processor. We put the zucchini together with the carrots, blown out until ready, then follow the recipe (read above).

Recipe for roe and herring roe with carrots and onions

This recipe is a variation on the topic "herring under a fur coat", a paste-like mass is obtained, well suited for spreading on bread.



In the process of preparation, add all the ingredients after the shredding to a separate bowl. Carrots and beets are cooked in for 20 minutes, clean and rub on a large grater. Also an apple. Herring is gutted, milled, fillets are passed through a meat grinder along with peeled onions, garlic and greens (you can use other modern devices: blender, combine). Add the juice of lemon.

Mix the carrot-beet mass with the herring-apple-onion and add oil. You can skip it again through the blender. Season with hot red pepper and mix. In the herring-vegetable caviar the maximum of useful is saved, it's just a vitamin "bomb". Caviar can be spread on white bread, such sandwiches - an ideal snack for vodka, gin, strong bitter tinctures.