Cedarates in spring under potatoes

The problem of obtaining a good harvest is always acute. This is especially true of crops, the cultivation of agricultural machinery is quite labor-intensive. There are a lot of solutions to this problem today, but efficient owners make their choice in favor of the most environmentally friendly, because the vegetables from their beds should not only be tasty, but also safe. Planting ciderats in the spring is the best way to get an excellent harvest of potatoes.

The best siderates for potatoes

As is known, technical crops are called siderates , which can increase the soil fertility and improve its quality. You can sow them both in autumn and in spring, before the time comes to plant the main culture. When the cedar grows up, but does not begin to bloom, they are embedded in the ground, where they will decompose, releasing useful substances into the soil: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. In the use of the siderates, as in any other case, there are also subtleties. First, it is necessary to choose the right time for their planting, and, consequently, subsequent embedding in the soil. Young ciderates, harvested before the flowering, decompose much faster, releasing more useful substances into the soil. Secondly, it is necessary to accurately determine the required amount of siderates. If they are too few, the soil will not be enriched enough. Excess of the same siderates will lead to the fact that in the land they will not decay, but sour. Thirdly, for each culture it is necessary to choose that kind of siderates, which contains the maximum amount of substances necessary for this culture. To fully develop and mature potatoes in the soil should be a sufficient content of nitrogen and phosphorus. The most enriched soil by these elements can be legumes: alfalfa, vetch, pea, lupine and sweet clover. It is these siderates that will be the best fertilizer for potatoes. The effect of legumes is much the same as that of cow manure, with only one difference: they decompose much faster and need much less.

Planting potatoes after ciderates

So, it is decided - before planting potatoes we will sow the plot with siderates. So how is it right to do this? Seeding is necessary in early spring, when the surface of the soil comes off the crust of ice and wipes its upper (30-50 mm) layer. For one hundred square meters, no more than 2 kg of siderates will be required. For seeding, any cold-resistant siderates, such as forage peas, mustard, phacelia and oats, are suitable . When the time comes to plant potatoes, these plants already have time to increase the necessary amount of greenery. When a couple of weeks remain before planting the potatoes, the siderates must be embedded in the soil: smell to a depth of 60-80 mm in heavy soils, or 120-160 mm in light soils. To seal up the siderates, it is necessary until they begin to blossom, and even more so - until they start to form seeds. If the area can not be smelt, then the siderates can be embedded in the soil and in another way - cut at a depth of 20-30 mm with a flat cutter or chopping and leave on the bed. After waiting a few weeks, you can proceed to planting works. The planting of potatoes after siderates differs from the usual method by the shallower depth of its embedding in the soil. Plant potatoes after the siderates need not be deeper than 50-60 mm. It will be convenient to plant it in shallow grooves made by a flat cutter, and in the inter-row, plant mustard, which will do several useful things at once: it will loosen the soil, keep the necessary moisture in it, prevent the development of weeds and scare off the pests. When the bushes of potatoes and mustard grow to the same size, the mustard should be trimmed so that it does not oppress potatoes.