Oatmeal Pancakes

We all know about the benefits of oatmeal. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements, it has many carbohydrates - an excellent source of energy. Regular use of oatmeal protects our body from diseases of the heart, blood and blood vessels. Also thanks to the vitamin B content, it has a beneficial effect on digestion and skin, and due to vitamins A and E it is an antioxidant. In general, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of oatmeal, so you need to try to have it present in our diet as often as possible. At the same time you can cook not only porridge from it. Grinded oatmeal is widely used in cooking: it bakes cookies, fry pancakes. Here at the last delicacy we will dwell in more detail and tell you how to prepare oatmeal pancakes.

Pancakes made of oatmeal



If you bought ready-made oatmeal flour, great. If you have not found it on sale, it does not matter, you can cook it yourself, grinding oats in a coffee grinder.

Milk warmed to a temperature of about 37 degrees, dissolve the yeast in it and leave for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, sift the oatmeal into a bowl, add the yeast that came up, knead it and put the minutes for 40 in a warm place. Whisk the yolks, add sugar slowly. Beat the chilled proteins with a pinch of salt. Now, in our approaching dough, pour in a yolk mass, add melted milk and gently introduce whipped proteins. The dough is kneaded. Fry pancakes in a hot frying pan on both sides.

Pancakes from oat flakes with semolina



We connect oatmeal and mango and pour kefir. Stir and leave for 2 hours, so that the cereals are soaked and swollen. Whisk eggs with sugar and add honey.

When the cereals are well saturated, combine them with beaten eggs, add salt and soda, vegetable oil. The dough is of medium density. Frying pan fry oil and fry pancakes. When pancakes from oat flakes are ready, grease them with melted butter and serve to the table with sour cream.