Canned pepper for the winter

We have traditionally taken to harvest vegetables for the winter. It is at this time that an attack of viruses on our immune system is expected, so it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of vitamins to our body. In this, your faithful assistant will be canned pepper for the winter.

Pepper, preserved for the whole winter

In the conditions of the constantly accelerating pace of life, even the experienced hostess does not always manage to do conservation. However, of all recipes of canned Bulgarian pepper for the winter, this is considered one of the fastest and easiest.



Wash the peppers well and puncture each of them with a needle so that a large enough hole remains. Put them in an enamel pot and put on a stove for a sufficiently strong fire. When the water boils, boil the peppers for five minutes before they get soft. Then take the vegetables out of the water and spread them over the previously sterilized jars. In the remaining broth add salt and sugar, salt and before the boiling pour in the vinegar. After boiling, immediately pour the resulting marinade pepper and roll up the jars.

Stuffed pepper, preserved for the winter

However, remember that canned pepper for the stuffing for the winter should not have the slightest flaws, otherwise your workpiece will either disappear, or it will not taste very good.



Cut off the top part with washed peppers together with the pedicle and gently remove from inside all seeds and white-colored membranes. Dip the vegetables in a saucepan with boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes and flip to a colander for drying. Peel the carrots and onions, grate the carrots using a large grater, and cut the onion into small cubes. Preheat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan and put onions on it, then fry it until you get a light golden hue. In another pan, fry the carrots until half-ready.

Tomatoes cut into small cubes and fry on the same amount of oil for about a minute, add the tomato paste and stew still a couple of minutes. Connect onions and carrots with tomato sauce, season with salt, add sugar and fry everything until cooked. Then stuff the pepper with the resulting vegetable mass, place it in cans, pre-sterilized for half an hour, pour the remaining oil and roll. This canned pepper in oil for the winter will be an ideal snack for a festive table.

Roasted peppers, canned with garlic for the winter



Cut the onion into quarters and then cut into small rings. Tomatoes crosswise cut, pour boiling water for about a minute, then drain the liquid and remove from the skin peel. Cut them into cubes.

Place the onion in a pan in warmed butter and fry until you get a golden hue. Mix it with tomatoes and leave to steam on low heat until the liquid completely disappears, not forgetting to stir constantly. Pepper Wash, remove the stems and add to the tomato mixture. Stew about 10 minutes, then salt and add coriander and garlic through garlic.

At the final stage of preparation of canned bitter pepper for the winter, place the mass in freshly sterilized jars, cover them with sterile lids, place them in a steamer and sterilize for another quarter of an hour. Now you can roll the cans.