Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle

Preventive examination by a gynecologist should become the norm for every modern woman. However, in case something worries, you do not need to postpone your visit to the doctor and register as soon as possible. One of the reasons that women turn to a gynecologist is a complaint about intermenstrual discharge from the genital tract in the middle of the cycle. Indeed, they can be a symptom of a disease. But in a healthy woman, there are also discharges (whites) that should not cause anxiety.

Hazard signal

Infections, tumors and inflammations of the organs of the reproductive system can signal themselves with secretions that differ from normal by a large amount, an unpleasant odor, and color. It can be white, yellow, brown, red discharge in the middle of the cycle. Any unusual color of vyideleny should alert.

The most troubling cause bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle. Of course, it is best to dispel fears and consult a doctor. After all, the sooner the problem is identified and the elimination begins, the faster and more effective the treatment will be. For example, chronic gynecological diseases caused by infections, can cause suppository emissions in the middle of the cycle. However, such a symptom is not always a sign of serious pathology.

Normal bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle

Sometimes such whores are completely harmless. You can name those states in which this phenomenon is typical even for a healthy woman and does not require medical intervention:

Reasons to visit a doctor

In other cases, bloody discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle is a signal about some disturbances in the body's work and it is better to consult a specialist. It is possible to name more often occurring conditions for which such symptom is characteristic.

First we will stop at those who do not bear a direct threat to health:

All these situations, although not dangerous, but it is better for a woman not to neglect a visit to a gynecologist.

Whitish bleeding can indicate a number of diseases that require examination and treatment:

Any of these diagnoses does not indicate a threat to life. These diseases are successfully treated in the conditions of modern medicine, provided timely treatment to the gynecologist.

It should be remembered that there are much more serious pathologies that can also cause scarring in the middle of the cycle. These diseases can have sad consequences, therefore the help of doctors becomes a necessity. These include:

Having discovered unusual discharges, one does not need to panic, because in most cases they either do not carry a threat, or talk about pathologies that are well treatable. Therefore, the best step is to seek qualified advice, and also not to forget about regular inspection. For preventive examinations, 1-2 times a year are sufficient.