Fluid in the uterus

Sometimes, according to the results of the uzi, the doctor can inform the woman about the presence of her fluid in the uterus or in the fallopian tube.

What does the liquid in the uterus mean?

A fluid in the uterus cavity means the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. However, it is important to consider at what period of the menstrual cycle a fluid is found. Its presence in small amounts in the middle of the cycle is the norm. Only in the presence of the results of the analyzes, complaints of the patient and gynecological examination, can a diagnosis be made, since a single sign in the form of a liquid is not a pathology by itself.

Free liquid behind the uterus: causes

If the liquid is behind the uterus, then this indicates an ovulation and a possible pregnancy in the case of fertilization of the egg.

The presence of blood in the fluid allows us to conclude that there is an ectopic pregnancy.

In more serious cases, the presence of fluid can be a sign of tumor growths in the ovaries.

Thus, the accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​the uterus can be the cause of the following diseases:

Fluid in the uterus: symptoms

The accumulation of fluid in the uterus can be noted in the following cases:

Why does fluid accumulate in the uterus tube?

The accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube (hydrosalpinx) is a serious gynecological disease, causing circulatory disorders in the tube and lymph drainage. The danger of such a cluster is that the fluid can completely fill the uterine tube. As a result of this obstruction of the fallopian tubes, a woman can not conceive a child during the entire period of the fluid in the tube.

As a rule, hydrosalpinx is asymptomatic and at times a woman learns about the accumulation of fluid in the tube only as a result of the ultrasound examination. In some cases, there may be pain symptoms in the lower abdomen and during intercourse.

Fluid in the uterus: treatment

For the selection of the optimal type of treatment it is necessary to perform a puncture - a liquid sample by the method of laparoscopy. It is important to repeatedly perform an ultrasound study to monitor the dynamics of growth in the amount of fluid.

If there is fluid in the fallopian tube, treatment should be immediately carried out, as there is a risk of rupture of the tube itself and the occurrence of peritonitis, which can lead to death.

In the case of fluid accumulation in the fallopian tube, the treatment is performed only surgically with the use of an endovideosurgical complex, which contributes to the complete restoration of the fallopian tube and the possibility of maintaining a woman's genital function. It should be remembered that in the presence of even a small amount of fluid in the uterus should be carefully examined for a complete picture of the disease. Since the presence of fluid in any area of ​​the uterus may indicate the presence of cancer.

If you do not pay attention to the existing accumulation of fluid in the uterus, then its abundant amount can lead to the formation of adhesions, which will require a more thorough and prolonged treatment.

After a preliminary consultation with a doctor, to get rid of fluids in the uterus, you can use folk remedies - decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage or hog uterus. Dosage and the need to use broths must be selected in each case individually depending on the severity of the existing disease.