Foods rich in protein

In the diet of modern man too little high-grade protein. This leads to a decrease in immunity, allergies, hormonal disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Meanwhile, do not blindly rush to any product on the label of which you saw the mention of the protein - useful protein products must meet several criteria.

How to choose protein products?

There are two basic requirements that should be kept in mind when choosing foods rich in protein. This is the protein absorption factor and the high protein content per unit of calories.

If "scientifically", it will look like this:

These two qualities are brought together in most food tables with protein food. The best, the highest coefficient is 1.0, or the approximate values.

This coefficient (1.0) corresponds to the following products:

The next, not less significant, criterion in the choice of protein foods is the ratio of protein and fat. The product can not just be protein (if it's not about the concentrates of sports nutrition), it also contains fat, which is less welcomed on the diet. The most "protein" foods with the lowest fat content:

For all this, 2/3 of the protein intake into the human body should be animal proteins, and 1/3 - vegetable. And the point here is only that the animal protein is closer in amino acid composition, more "native" to man, that's why it is digested much more.

The Benefits of Protein for a Diet

We will not talk about how important the intake of protein in the body, and how without it, "bad" every cell of the human body - it already knows even the children. However, not everyone knows that protein affects the process of weight loss.

Protein diets are considered "nourishing" and it's not even about the fact that protein foods are more calories than cereals and vegetables, but that the protein slows down the process of digesting carbohydrates, so we keep the satiety feeling much longer. For this account, the opportunity is given to eat less.

In addition, the presence of protein in the diet in combination with physical activity contributes to the active growth of muscle tissue. And the muscles actively consume calories, even when you do absolutely nothing. The increase in muscle mass speeds up the metabolism many times, and this is very useful when you are trying to get rid of fat accumulation.

Therefore, for you a selection of products for the protein diet:

How much protein does a person need?

With what protein products are the best fit during weight loss - figured out. But with dosage yet. The main sources of protein during the day should be meat and fish - their size on a plate should be equal to the size of your palm without taking into account your fingers.

In a day we need 100-120 g of high-grade protein. This does not mean that 100 grams of meat you have provided themselves in full. First, meat does not consist of pure protein. Secondly, the protein is not fully digested, so to get a dosage of 100 g, you need to "introduce" into your diet and meat with fish, and dairy products, and even vegetable proteins.