Sexual dimorphism

The phenomenon of sexual dimorphism is what distinguishes representatives of different sexes from each other. If we try to give a structured, scientifically valid definition, sexual dimorphism is anatomical differences between females and males of the same biological species, in addition to genital organs.

Usually it is expressed in different sizes (in many birds and mammals males are larger and heavier than females), hairline (a bright manifestation is a beard in men), color (bright plumage in male birds, which is extremely important for attracting females), etc.

Sexual dimorphism in humans

At the level of the human body, sexual dimorphism manifests itself in primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Primary include internal and external genital organs, and secondary ones are those that develop in the process of growing up (for example, the breasts of women). Sexual dimorphism determines the genetic material that enters the egg during fertilization. In accordance with it, the fetus develops.

The meaning of sexual dimorphism

The division of the population into representatives of the male and female sex is due, first of all, to the difference in their basic functions. The female organism is intended for the continuation of the genus, the male is more suitable for obtaining food and protecting the territory and offspring. This is natural for almost all biological species, but it is extremely pronounced in humans.

From the earliest days men have been engaged in hunting and other heavy physical labor, their bodies are better equipped for this than women who stayed at home, watched the household, nurtured and raised children. Centuries and millennia have passed, the conditions of life have changed dramatically - men now go hunting in the nearest supermarket, and the women achieve success in men's professions. But the general order remained without special changes.

Aspects of sexual dimorphism

There are such components of sexual dimorphism:

The first three are related to the structure of the organism, the others are mainly determined by the characteristics of education and social influence. It is obvious that girls and boys from the very childhood have certain characteristics of behavior that can be explained by gender differences. Parents are completely different in their education, acquire a variety of toys and are an example of different forms of behavior. Girls play with dolls and want to be beautiful, like mom, and boys chase the ball and dream of becoming strong like Dad. It is also determined and the circle of communication, at an early age, children, in general, are friends with members of their gender.

Of course, there are exceptions, but in this case we are talking, rather, about gender identity, which can manifest to varying degrees in each individual. She determines whether the baby will grow a modest housewife, or decide to go into the army and will build a career on a par with men. Sexual preferences also sometimes depend on her.

Psychological differences are manifested in the features of thinking and perception of the surrounding world. It is believed that men have better developed abstract thinking, so they are easier to give exact sciences, while girls are more humanities and are aimed at interpersonal interaction. It is laid down by nature or is instilled by parents who are under the influence of stereotypes - a complicated question.

But one thing is clear - even in our society, where women tend to be on an equal footing with men and achieve certain successes in this, the destiny that nature defines them will always influence their lives.