French onion soup: recipe

According to legend, the French onion soup was first prepared by King Louis XV. This French monarch hunted and spent the night either in a peasant hut, or in a hunting lodge. At night, when the king was very hungry, it turned out that there were no other products besides onions, butter, white wine and a piece of cheese. To satisfy the hunger with raw onions, the king did not want to - the resourceful monarch figured out how to cook soup from these ingredients. Subsequently, Louis XV popularized his culinary invention, and it was very to the taste of the Parisian poor people, who liked to eat with this inexpensive dish. By the way, this dish was very popular with the world-famous writer Alexander Dumas-father, because the French classic onion soup is a very popular dish, distinguished by a special simplicity and elegance.

How to cook onion soup?

Ingredients (for 3 portions):


The dishes should not be aluminum. You can cook in portions in pots.

Dry the baguette slices in the oven or on a dry frying pan. Melt the butter or frying pan in a frying pan or saucepan. Peeled and chopped finely onions are spread in a frying pan in butter over very low heat for a long time, until a beautiful golden brown tint. We pour wine and we will extinguish for a long time at the lowest heat, stirring with a spatula, until the liquid evaporates by half. It is thanks to a large number of scrambled onions, brawned in white wine, the dish acquires its unique taste and aroma. It is better to use classical French dining white wines, however, table sherry or even dry Madeira will also suit. But the wine containing sulfurous anhydride, you need to refuse. The alcohol from the wine is evaporated, and the aroma is transferred to the onions. We'll spread the onions in portions over soup cups and fill it with hot broth. Season with grated nutmeg and freshly ground black pepper. We mix it. Add in each soup cup of 1-2 tablespoons of wine or inexpensive cognac. Put in each cup 1-2 slices of dried baguette. Sip the slices and abundantly sprinkle with cheese and chopped green onions. Now either place the soup cups in a preheated oven, or cover the soup cups with inverted plates for 2-3 minutes to let the cheese melt. You can also add a little wine or even cognac to give a more refined taste.

Modern version

Using modern achievements of domestic culinary technologies, it is possible to prepare French onion soup-puree. After passing through and blanching in wine, the onion is ground with a blender until it is mashed, pour hot broth, stir and serve, of course, with croutons and cheese.

This option is sure to please those who do not like what the fried onion looks like in the soup, but does not mind its taste.

To the onion soup is usually served the same wine that was used in cooking.

It should be remembered that it is not necessary to refuse chicken broth in this soup - if you cook it on the water, the dish will lose a lot, because it is a combination of cheese, onions, wine and broth that can be considered classic.