Why is sauerkraut useful?

Rarely are there products that, after a certain treatment, are even more useful than fresh ones. An example of this can serve as sauerkraut. This, it would seem, is a simple dish - a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins.

What vitamins contain sauerkraut?

  1. In winter, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins, we understand the benefits of sauerkraut. 200 g of this product supplies the body with a daily dose of vitamin C , which is responsible for increasing immunity and resistance of the body, which is especially important in seasonal outbreaks of influenza. Also, vitamin C significantly slows down the aging of tissues and cells.
  2. Vitamin A promotes human growth, affects the improvement of the skin condition and is part of the pigments, which are responsible for the adaptation of vision to the dark time of the day.
  3. Vitamin K, the main function of which is to increase blood coagulability, also contributes to the strengthening of stern tissue.
  4. Vitamin U is important for the prevention of stomach and duodenum ulcers.
  5. B vitamins are a fairly large group of vitamins that contribute to the stable functioning of the heart and vessels, as well as the nervous system, are involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, contribute to the improvement of skin and hair.

Benefits of sauerkraut with weight loss

Especially beneficial is the sauerkraut for the female body, in general, and with weight loss, in particular. Cabbage normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and folic acid, which is part of this product, promotes the burning of fatty deposits (the same folic acid is necessary for pregnant women). A very effective mono-diet has been developed. It is based on the ability of sauerkraut to improve the intestinal motility, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and also, to remove from the body toxins and toxins. Daily diet with a diet is based on replacing garnishes (for lunch and dinner) for sauerkraut, in the amount of 200 g. This diet contributes not only to a fairly rapid weight loss, but to the overall body cleansing.

Useful properties of juice from sauerkraut

Many people know that sauerkraut juice is useful for a hangover. Women with his help escape from toxicosis during pregnancy. What else is useful for sauerkraut juice? The juice contains a large concentration of lactic acid, which serves as a source of energy in the body, as it is used in the synthesis of glucose and glycogen. Also, juice helps slow the aging of the body by stabilizing the fat metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body than balances water-salt metabolism; helps in the treatment of diseases of the spleen, kidneys, liver, pancreatic disease; heals purulent eruptions and other skin diseases, eczema; stabilizes the mucous membrane and normalizes air-gas exchange in the stomach. Unconcentrated juice is useful in diseases of gums and periodontal disease.

But it is worth noting that with an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers the duodenum should not use this product. Limit its reception and with hung acidity.

If we talk about the benefits of stewed sauerkraut, then the benefits from it are not much less. Of course, with heat treatment, the product loses some of its useful qualities, but not all, many of the healing properties still persist.

Our ancestors were well aware of the unique healing properties of sauerkraut, so as soon as time came to procure this delicacy for the winter, they took out huge barrels and filled them with cabbage to the top, and with the coming of winter they opened their bins that provided them with the necessary vitamins until spring.