Gazpacho - the classic recipe

Variations of cold soups are almost in every kitchen, the Spanish version is gazpacho. This gazpacho is made from grated tomatoes, but numerous variations are permissible, within which popular cold soup is prepared not only from vegetables, but also from fruit and berries, but if you decide to implement the classic recipe for gazpacho, this material will come to the rescue.

Soup gazpacho - a classic recipe



Begin the recipe with the preparation of ingredients: arbitrarily and fairly large cut tomatoes. Peel the cucumber with sweet pepper and also divide them into large pieces. Cut the onion and pass the chopped garlic through the press. Draw the dried bread into small slices. All the prepared ingredients put in the bowl of the blender, then pour in the olive oil and vinegar. Whisk the gazpacho to homogeneity and season with sea salt to taste. The resulting puree mass is transferred to a sieve and start spooning the vegetable juices into a saucepan with a spoon. The resulting liquid and there is a popular Spanish soup! Before serving, you should keep it a little longer in the fridge, and then you can serve, adding chopped pieces of pepper, cucumber and bread slices.

A classic recipe for hot gazpacho soup

In practice, the "classic" recipe for cooking hot gazpacho can not be called any way, but, of course, this is one of the variations of the Spanish summer classics, which can be served in the cold season. The recipe of the dish resembles a recipe for regular soup-mashed potatoes, although, in fact, he is it.



The recipe for classic hot gazpacho begins with frying bacon. Slices of bacon are browned until most of the fat is burned out of them and they become crispy. Simultaneously with the hot bacon, take care of other components: cut tomatoes, onions and cucumbers arbitrarily, and then put them in the bowl of the blender and purify.

From the fried bacon, drain excess fat and add the garlic chipped garlic. After half a minute, pour the vegetable mashed potatoes and cook the soup for about 15-20 minutes. In the finale sprinkle hot gazpacho with parsley.

Classic tomato soup gazpacho

We admit, in its most authentic version, gazpacho is cooked without hot pepper, but in order to add more variety to the taste of the dish, Spanish soup can be supplemented with sharp additives.



Before the start of cooking, remove seeds from pepper and cucumber. Grind, but do not rub, both ingredients with a blender. Transfer the mixture of cucumber and pepper into a bowl, and instead, whisk onion and parsley. Add tomato slices and whip them for 30 seconds. Mix the tomatoes with the rest of the crushed vegetables, pour tomato juice, vinegar, oil into the soup base, add the chopped garlic and chopped hot pepper. Do not forget about salt. After a couple of hours of rest in a cool place, the classic gazpacho will be ready to serve.