Samsa with chicken

Samsa is a dish of oriental cuisine. Something remotely it reminds our cakes, it's also a filling in the dough. Only the dough is fresh, flaky. The filling, as a rule, consists of meat, but sometimes samsu is made with potatoes or with meat mixed with potatoes. But the main thing that should be in the filling is a lot of onions. It is he who attaches juiciness. According to the rules of samsa bake in a tandoor - a special clay oven. But in the absence of such it can be prepared in a conventional oven. We will tell you how to cook samsa with chicken.

Layered samsa with chicken


For the test:

For filling:


Egg is added to warm water, stir, add salt, softened butter. Stir well and start to slowly introduce sifted flour. Knead the dough, it should turn out to be quite dense. Divide it into 3 parts, cover and leave for about half an hour. Meanwhile we are preparing the filling. For this, we remove the meat from the bone. Ready-made fillet can not be taken, the filling will be dry, so we take meat from the legs with pieces of fat. Onions are cleaned and finely chopped, mixed with diced meat. Add salt, black pepper and ziru - it gives the sauce a unique aroma.

Now we return to the test: we take one part, roll it into a thin layer and lightly lubricate it with melted butter. Leave this layer, the oil must dry. Roll out the second part, carefully transfer it to the first layer and also lubricate with oil. Similarly, we repeat with the third part. By the way, in order to transfer a thin layer of dough and not to tear it, it is convenient to use a rolling pin: we wind the dough on it, let's make a roll, and transfer it, and there we already roll it out. The test beds should be approximately equal in size. When the oil is cold, we begin to roll a tight roll. Then cut it into pieces about 1.5 cm. In each piece we find the tip of the dough, we stretch it a little and fasten the cut. We remove the pieces in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Now take our mini-roll, put it with the bound edge down and begin to roll it out neatly. Seretinka strongly do not press, more roll edges. Now for each piece lay out the filling and we sculpt the triangle. Spread on the baking sheet with a seam down. Bake in a well-heated oven for about 30-35 minutes. If you want to get a ruddy brown, then for 15 minutes before the end you can grease the products with an egg. You got a real Uzbek chicken samsa.

Samsa with chicken and cheese


For the test:

For filling:


In the sifted flour, add salt and grated margarine on a large grater, stir, pieces of margarine should not stick together. Then pour in cold water and quickly knead the dough. Here the idea is that margarine should not have time to melt, it is these oil pieces that will give the test a layering. We remove the dough in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, we prepare the filling: cut the meat with the fat from the stone, remove the skin, add the chopped onion and cut into small cubes of cheese. Mix everything and add salt and spices. Then we take out the dough, roll it into a roll, which we divide into small pieces. Each piece is rolled into a thin circle, in the middle we put the filling and we patch the edges, giving the shape of a triangle. Obtain the products laid on the baking tray with a seam down and grease them with a yolk, whipped with a tablespoon of water. Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

How to cook samsa with chicken and potatoes?



Prepared puff pastry is pre-defrosted and rolled into a thin layer. We divide into pieces. Filling: potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes, finely chopped onions, cut the meat from the legs and also grind, add salt, pepper, squeezed through the garlic press. We mix everything well. In the middle of each piece of dough, spread out the filling and tear the edges. We put the seams on the baking tray, grease with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for about half an hour. Samsa with chicken and potatoes is ready. Bon Appetit!