Is it possible for the nursing mother to pick up cucumbers?

As is known from history, for the first time cucumbers appeared about 3000 years ago, in India. It seems that this vegetable, by definition, can not contain any nutrients - it has one water. In fact, this assumption is erroneous.

Long ago people used the medicinal properties of cucumber. So, quite often it was used to normalize blood pressure, as well as to prepare various cosmetic masks. In addition, the cucumber has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Fresh cucumber when breastfeeding

Almost every mother, during breastfeeding, thought: "Can I eat cucumbers (fresh, salted) and if not, why?".

To date, many pediatricians include fresh cucumbers in the list of foods that are not recommended for breastfeeding.

The thing is that in itself a fresh cucumber, contributes to the increased formation of gases in the intestines, which ultimately necessarily leads to the development of flatulence in the baby . However, each female organism is individual, and some nursing women feel great after they are supported by a salad of young, green, cucumbers.

In order to determine whether it is possible for the nursing mother to eat fresh cucumbers at all, it is necessary to conduct a small experiment: she should eat literally half of the cucumber and after breast-feeding observe the baby. If allergic reactions after 10-12 hours are absent, - the mother can afford 1-2 small cucumbers once in 2-3 days.

Canned cucumber when breastfeeding

Lightly salted, pickled cucumbers, though to a lesser degree, but still lead to increased formation of gases in the intestines, therefore it is not recommended to use them as food for the mother who feeds the baby. In addition, the excessive content of salts and minerals in such a product leads to water retention in the body, which can lead to edema formation.

If nevertheless nursing mother really wants to eat salted cucumber, then it is best to immediately drink it with a small amount of water. This will reduce the concentration of salt in the body, and prevent the possibility of edema of limbs.

If you really want to, then you can

Due to the fact that fresh vegetables in their composition contain a large amount of fiber, doctors do not recommend eating them in a large number of nursing mothers. It is she who exerts a great load on the still fragile intestines of the baby. Therefore, young mothers should not get involved in eating vegetables, so as not to test the intestines of their crumbs.

But this does not mean that it is necessary to exclude them completely from the diet. If the baby does not have an allergic reaction to this vegetable, the mother can afford 1-3 small cucumbers a day. It is best to eat them in the morning, or at least in the lunch. Before going to bed, it is better not to eat cucumbers, since the fiber contained in them requires a large amount of energy for digestion, and at night the stomach should rest.

Thus, you can consume cucumbers during breastfeeding, but in small amounts. However, there is not much difference, fresh is a vegetable or canned. Here everything depends first of all on the preference of the woman herself. However, do not forget that excessive consumption of cucumbers can lead to the development of flatulence in crumbs. Therefore, the mother must constantly monitor her diet and not eat a large number of foods that are inherently allergens. Otherwise, the problems for a young mother can not be avoided.