Products containing cholesterol

Cholesterol is necessary for the formation of bile acids, sex hormones and vitamin D. The liver produces approximately 70% of the required norm, and the rest of the person gets through products containing cholesterol. Consumption is allowed not more than 300 mg per day. If a person exceeds the permitted number, but health problems develop, for example, the risk of infarction and vascular disease increases.

Which foods contain cholesterol?

There is a certain list of foods that contain large amounts of cholesterol and, in general, are not useful for the body as a whole. If you want to be healthy and do not have excess weight , then try to limit or even exclude them from your menu.

In what products is cholesterol:

  1. Margarine . One of the most harmful products, as it is essentially hydrogenated fat, which causes the liver to produce a large amount of cholesterol during its processing.
  2. Sausage products . Basically, pork and lard are used for the production of sausages, and cholesterol is included in their composition. In addition, the harm of such products increases various additives.
  3. Yolks . Talking about the products in which there is bad cholesterol, you can not miss the yolk, which until recently was in the lead among cholesterol-containing products. In one yolk there is somewhere 210 mg. Recently, scientists have proven that egg cholesterol is not as harmful as meat cholesterol.
  4. Caviar . This delicacy also contains a lot of cholesterol, but not everyone consumes it in large quantities, so sometimes you can afford a favorite caviar with caviar. On 100 g there is 300 mg of cholesterol.
  5. Canned fish . The content of cholesterol in such products is high, so it is important to limit the consumption of canned foods and especially if they are sold in oil.
  6. Cheese . A lot of hard cheeses are fat, which means that they contain a lot of cholesterol, so if you like this product, then give preference to low-fat varieties. The value should be less than 40%.
  7. Fast food . The world's favorite food, according to studies, is dangerous to health and not only because of the high content of cholesterol.
  8. Seafood . Despite the presence of a large number of useful substances, in such products there is quite a lot of cholesterol . For example, according to reports of Western scientists, 100-200 gr of shrimps contain 150-200 mg of cholesterol.