Green tomatoes from varicose veins

It was found that women suffer from varicose veins on their legs three times more often than men, which is explained by genetic factors, a tendency to frequent hormonal changes, excessive body weight. The first anxious "bells" - the initial symptoms of varicose veins - are the heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue, swelling, tenderness. Unfortunately, rarely anyone seriously pays attention to them and turns to the doctor, most think about the need for treatment already at the stage of the appearance of a pronounced vascular network.

In the initial stages of varicose veins, complex conservative treatment is used, which involves several methods. Many patients also prefer to supplement the doctor's prescribed therapy with folk remedies, some of which are really effective. For example, a fairly common method of folk treatment of varicose veins is based on the use of green tomatoes. What can the green tomatoes do for varicose veins, and how to apply them, we will consider further.

The benefits of green tomatoes in varicose veins

The use of green, immature, tomato from varicose veins is explained by the fact that in the seeds of such fruits there is a substance that is identical in its action to acetylsalicylic acid, which exhibits pronounced blood-thinning, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In addition, due to the content of flavonoids in green tomatoes, they are able to have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them and increasing the tone. Thus, the action of green tomatoes against varicose veins is to reduce the severity of the manifestations of the disease, improve the condition of the veins and prevent the development of its severe complications.

How to treat varicose veins with green tomatoes?

For treatment should choose healthy, without signs of damage and other damage to the immature fruit of tomatoes, which must be washed with water before use. There are two ways (recipe) for the use of green tomatoes from varicose veins. Let's consider each of them.

Method number 1

The first method involves the following:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
  2. Attach the cut fruits to the areas with the affected venous net, and secure with a bandage.
  3. Hold for about 3-4 hours.
  4. Rinse affected areas with cool water.

The procedure is recommended several times a day for two to three weeks, and you can also apply tomatoes at night. During the procedure, a feeling of slight burning, tingling, which is a normal reaction, is possible. However, if there is a pronounced discomfort, you should wash off pieces of tomatoes and rinse your skin with water.

Method number 2

Also at night you can apply green tomatoes in the form of compresses as follows:

  1. Grind the vegetables into a gruel using a blender or a meat grinder.
  2. Apply crushed tomatoes to the affected areas.
  3. Cover with polyethylene and attach with a bandage.
  4. In the morning remove the compress, rinse the skin with cool water.

Such treatment should be done daily for two to three weeks.

After night procedures it is recommended to perform physical exercises for the feet, which will improve the circulation of liquefied by applying green blood tomatoes.

It is also useful to combine this method of treatment with a contrast shower (always finish it with a jet of cold water), therapeutic anti-varicose baths, wearing special knitwear and observing a healthy diet with a predominance of vegetables and fruits. Before treating varicose veins with green tomatoes should always consult with a specialist.