Beetroot in the kindergarten

Beetroot is a very useful vegetable on our table. It is well preserved vitamins A, B and C, folic acid. Beetroot is rich in cellulose and various trace elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus), and, in addition, favorably affects the work of the intestine and the circulation of blood in the body. All this makes it simply irreplaceable in the children's diet. To introduce this vegetable as a complementary food can be no earlier than 8-10 months. Do not forget that beet is a wonderful source of energy due to the significant content of carbohydrates, which are so necessary for the growing body of the child.

Each of us has his own memories of childhood. Someone remembers, as he went to the village to his beloved grandmother, someone is still delighted with the trip with his mother and father to the zoo, and someone has a taste of the favorite dish from the kindergarten. For some children it was a delicious curd casserole, someone liked the steam omelet most of all, and some people are now racking their brains - how to cook a delicious beetroot such as it was cooked in childhood?

The recipe for beetroot in the kindergarten

In order to cook baby beetroot, you need to have these products:


Beets should be washed and boiled in large quantities of water until cooked. Then cool, peel and cut into strips. Clear the vegetables. Potatoes cut into small pieces, carrots - straw, onion - half rings.

Add onions and carrots, adding broth and butter. In a boiling broth or water, we put potatoes, lettuce carrots and onions and cook for ten minutes. Add the beets, and five minutes before the salt is ready. At the end of cooking, add sour cream and boil the soup. In the finished beetroot for children add finely chopped greens of dill and parsley.

Have a nice appetite for you and your children!